How to use the Bible to show Jehovah Witnesses how they've been lied to about Jesus

Discussions surrounding the various other faiths who deviate from mainstream Christian doctrine such as LDS and the Jehovah's Witnesses.
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How to use the Bible to show Jehovah Witnesses how they've been lied to about Jesus

Post by Philip »


Many may not realize that the control that the Watchtower organization holds over Jehovah Witnesses, in what they can read, question, etc. In fact, Watchtower even has it's own authorized version of the Bible - yet with many key and highly deceptive changes and edits. In this powerful video, you'll learn exactly the treachery and dishonesty the Watchtower has used to keep its church's members blind to the fact that Jesus was and IS God Incarnate - as is also the other members of our ONE God's Trinity of three Persons (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). You'll also learn step by step how they can be questioned and confronted over their false, aggressive teachings!

Here is an insightful, outtake comment from the video and ex-Jehovah's Witness wrote:

JW's are a high control cult. You are not allowed to question any understanding that they teach you. You are not allowed to read anything "religious" from any other religions. If you question their teachings you are walking toward being disfellowshipped. I came out of JW's in the early 1980's. I got suckered in because I wanted to learn about the Bible and they offered to come to my home and teach me. They have the "true" faith. Every Christian group is corrupt. All other Bible translations are corrupt. Can't attend a wedding in a church because it's a place where demons dwell. You are kept in fear. This is why it is so hard to reach them. When I came out I was amazed at what the Scriptures actually taught! It was so beautiful.
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