God's fine-tuning of the universe discussed

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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God's fine-tuning of the universe discussed

Post by Philip »


Most people do not realize how insanely fine-tuned our universe and world are - which reveals the necessity for a Creator of unfathomable intelligence, power and purpose - as science reveals was evident from the very first moments of the Big Bang, and can be seen across earth's many physical and chemical systems.

Here, apologist Sean McDowell and Stephen Mayer, P.h.D. explain and explore the fine-tuning argument for God's existence and astonishing attributes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69C29ZNTZgY
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Re: God's fine-tuning of the universe discussed

Post by margii »

I wouldn't even use the word tuning, because reality is one and theory is another.

In theory there is "chance", but this chance has not been proven... On the contrary, we could consider the Universe, or rather, the Cosmos, as truly an incredible network of cause-effect interactions, following cosmic laws that order everything. Cosmic laws, surprisingly (which demonstrates non-chance, that chance does not exist), have no contradictions and nothing and no one can escape these laws.

We know some of these laws, such as Gravity, Electromagnetism, atomic forces... but others are much more difficult to understand, such as thermodynamic laws... and what can we say about chemistry, which is much more complex and difficult to understand... Biology still surpasses human intelligence, and the psyche is a great mystery... In everything that exists there are laws, and the vast majority of these laws are unknown to us.

The cosmos is the product of a single entity. Why? Very simply...two entities cannot coordinate perfectly, because each entity is unique, so there is no way to find perfect parallelism. Therefore, the Cosmos, due to its perfect uniqueness, can only prove one thing: there is only one entity governing it.
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