Why Pastor John Piper 'Abominates' the prosperity 'Gospel'

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Why Pastor John Piper 'Abominates' the prosperity 'Gospel'

Post by claysmithr »

Good short video on why prosperity gospel is bad.
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Re: Why Pastor John Piper 'Abominates' the prosperity 'Gospel'

Post by RickD »

Piper is absolutely correct about the prosperity gospel.

Too bad he can’t see the errors of his false gospel of 5 point Calvinism.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Why Pastor John Piper 'Abominates' the prosperity 'Gospel'

Post by Philip »

Rick: Piper is absolutely correct about the prosperity gospel.

Too bad he can’t see the errors of his false gospel of 5 point Calvinism.
Exactly, is God a hypocrite???!!! As Jesus instructs the slick lawyer in Luke 10 per His Good Samaritan parable showing we are to love EVERYONE, not picking and choosing those to whom we are to show love to. So, does God tell US to not discriminate in whom we are to love, and yet HE doesn't wish to show His love to ALL?

And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same?
(Matthew 5:47)

“If you love those who love you, what benefit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them."
(Luke 6:32)

And yet, Five Point Calvinists believe God ultimately withholds His love from much of humanity and never desired to save them! And as God has ALWAYS known all (collectively across time) whom would one day receive His salvation - this false belief of Calvinists would mean God chose Hell for people before time and the creation of mankind - and before anyone had ever sinned. But that false belief would describe a false god whom would be a nightmare for most of mankind! Thankfully, God loved us FIRST, but NOT all, unfortunately, will love Him back.
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Re: Why Pastor John Piper 'Abominates' the prosperity 'Gospel'

Post by claysmithr »

I don't agree with calvinism either, it has the fatalistic tendency to produce fatalism when it comes to who is elect and who isn't, Pastor Joe Schimmel actually talks about calvinists who come to question whether or not they are elect, and therefore fall away from the faith thinking they are part of the non-elect and nothing they can do can stop their damnation, so why try? When a popular calvinist falls away from the faith, like Joshua Harris, they say he was never in the faith to begin with, which is absurd. It also reduces the need to preach the gospel because you are either elect or you aren't, and nothing you do can change that (fatalism).

Also, irresistable grace is akin to spiritual rape, once God chooses you you simply cannot refuse! Limited atonement doesn't mesh with John 3:16, which says, for God so loved the elect /s

John Calvin was also a religious murderer who elevated his own work to the status of scripture.

But now my prosperity gospel thread has become an anti calvinist thread, so...

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Re: Why Pastor John Piper 'Abominates' the prosperity 'Gospel'

Post by Philip »

Clay Smith: "When a popular calvinist falls away from the faith, like Joshua Harris, they say he was never in the faith to begin with, which is absurd."

Clay, if a person appears to fall away and begins rejecting Christ, it certainly IS a possibility that the person was never truly saved, even though they seemed, in words and actions, to be an authentic / saved Christ follower. Note the 1 John passage below:

1 John 2:18-19: "18 Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us.
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Re: Why Pastor John Piper 'Abominates' the prosperity 'Gospel'

Post by claysmithr »

Then it is impossible to know if anyone is saved or not, as they could always fall away in the future. According to God, however, it is not how one starts the race that counts, it is how one finishes the race that counts.
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