Calling SLP. atheist, Bobsmith and other non-believers

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Calling SLP. atheist, Bobsmith and other non-believers

Post by August »


I have seen quite a few threads now with a common theme, namely your professed atheism, for whatever reason. If I have mischaracterized you, then I apologise, please ignore the rest of this message. If you are indeed an atheist, then I thought we could have it out in this thread, instead of confusing the issue with evolution and other topics elsewhere on the board.

I will be glad to have a friendly discussion about your beliefs, or lack thereof :), so that we can understand better what motivates the other person.

Note to all, this is NOT the thread to post about alternative versions of religion, be it Christianity, Islam etc, this is a God exists vs God doesn't exist viewpoint discussion. Anyone is welcome to contribute.

I will start with my fundamental position: I believe that God is the Almighty Creator of the universe, and that the Bible is His infallible Word.

Please respond with your comments, and we can take it from there.

Acts 17:24-25 (NIV)
"The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. [25] And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else."

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Post by Believer »

I second what August said. I would too like to know WHY atheists believe what they believe and what led them to the wrong conclusion.

Post by Anonymous »

Telling them they are wrong right from the start will surely result in interesting discussions... :wink:
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Post by atheist »

I will start with my fundamental position: I believe that God is the Almighty Creator of the universe, and that the Bible is His infallible Word.
What kind of comment do you expect? That is your belief, you don't give or need reasons for it. Probably there is nothing to discuss. :?
Last edited by atheist on Fri Aug 26, 2005 4:42 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by ochotseat »

Thinker wrote:I second what August said. I would too like to know WHY atheists believe what they believe and what led them to the wrong conclusion.
Because they've become arrogant or apathetic to the point that the concept of a creator is moot. They're just a tiny, miserable, and frustrated minority that's going to burn in hell anyway.
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Post by Believer »

ochotseat wrote:
Thinker wrote:I second what August said. I would too like to know WHY atheists believe what they believe and what led them to the wrong conclusion.
Because they've become arrogant or apathetic to the point that the concept of a creator is moot. They're just a tiny, miserable, and frustrated minority that's going to burn in hell anyway.
You know, I do see the reality in it but I see this among too many should-be-loving Christians, probably myself sometimes stating "their going to burn in hell anyway". Atheists believe there is no God, so then a heaven and hell doesn't exist, thus giving them the freedom to do WHATEVER they want because no divine being was ever watching them in the first place, this is made up by them. Now granted, I have seen atheists that are the good, the bad, and the ugly. The good atheists are people like atheist who appears patient and mellow and seems to still be seeking answers (not all the time however with a majority of the good atheists), why else would he still be here, I don't see bashing going on by him. The bad atheists, always in some way or another, love to turn their tactics towards us and they must prove to us that that the Bible is false. This does mean that atheists have to prove a point when I have seen so many say that they don't need to prove anything. They try to prove that no God exists, they try to prove that the Bible is just a myth, they try to prove that a bunch of things just aren't real (note how I continually use the word "try"). The ugly atheists doesn't mean they are physically ugly (but they could be :roll:), but they are just pure hatred, they will do ANYTHING they want, strip nude and run down the city, curse/flip off everyone for the fun of it, just a bunch of unhuman things. This is also somewhat similar to the bad atheists in trying to disprove everything but in a more wicked way. It's fine if atheists want to say their is no God, no heaven, no hell, no afterlife, etc... I have personally been keeping up to date on evidences for all of this stuff to see what science tells us. I see the majority of it supports God and the Bible. Atheists can remain in all disbelief they want, it has been going on pretty much the same way for thousands of years and still they really haven't made much progress, it's just a pity of what they will face on judgment day. Now evolution is one way to justify the beliefs of an atheist, but religious/spiritual people accept it as well as do MANY scientists of all kinds because the Bible doesn't say precisely how life came about. I think that just because (some-most) atheists are bitter, we should just stop debating them for a couple years and see what they can find themselves. It is only the total lack of understanding the concept of the Bible that makes them atheists. Other nations don't believe in a god but some other thing they worship, an idol, fine, that means they have no belief in god. I think it is too hard to just say "their going to burn in hell anyway", when we Christians really don't have a clue about how God operates with each individual. We only have a book of books, you can't fit God in just that, it only gives you a history of things that happened.
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Post by ochotseat »

Thinker wrote: Atheists believe there is no God, so then a heaven and hell doesn't exist, thus giving them the freedom to do WHATEVER they want because no divine being was ever watching them in the first place, this is made up by them..
Let them believe whatever they want. After all, there are nuts who believe that aliens built the pyramids.
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