Biblical healings versus our body's natural healing

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Biblical healings versus our body's natural healing

Post by cubeus19 »

Hey guys got a quick question regarding something I keep hearing about in health news articles, and that being our bodies natural ability to heal itself from simple cuts and scrapes to life threatening diseases. I haven't heard this kind of argument put out by atheists but I imagine they use it from time to time when talking about the healing miracles of Jesus and the apostles.

That argument being, that instead of the lame, leapors, blind, deaf (of course it would exclude Lazarous, as well as Jesus's resurrection) being healed by a supernatural power, it was merely their bodies natural healing processes along with positive thinking doing all the work.

Now what I was wondering is from what you all know about our bodies do we have the ability to heal ourselves from terrible stuff like leprosy, blindness, deafness, being lame or cripple, or does our bodies healing capabilities only allow for smaller things like bone fractures, skin cuts, common colds and such?

As far as I can see, the latter seems to be more likely the case since I have never head of anyone naturally healing themselves of major deadly illnesses without some kind of powerful medicine, doctor or surgery.

But as far as you all can tell, this in no means explain away most of Christ's healing miracles correct?
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Re: Biblical healings versus our body's natural healing

Post by dorkmaster »

Given my somewhat limited background in anatomy and biology, I'm pretty sure that the body cannot naturally cure leprosy, blindness, etc. That would require, well, a miracle. And as for broken bones, there can be many complications such as the bone not setting and healing incorrectly if at all, infection, which the body does not fare too well against. You can become seriously ill, perhaps even die without professional help. Anyway, that's my 2 cents. I'm sure there is someone on the board with more knowledge of this than I possess.
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Re: Biblical healings versus our body's natural healing

Post by Danieltwotwenty »

This was what one of my friends posted on facebook last week

"A Miracle i can't get past
Actually, this has been on my mind for over a week now. I just can't get past it. There's a lady in my church who had a problem with an artery in her heart. She spent 9 days in the hospital here at Bundaberg and eventually was taken to Brisbane to have an operation there. After she had an angiogram, the doctor came back and told her she doesn't need the operation. Her heart had grown a third artery. Her heart had grown? a THIRD? Artery..."

"Originally I heard this story second-hand. But I got to speak to the lady this Sunday. Sometimes I get so jaded.. I'm used to hearing about people lying and getting busted for faking healings and other miracles or you just hear about things that are healings, but could be seen as just a natural thing. But this, I can't ignore it! This is a psychologically healthy lady that I know who has no reason to lie. Her story, it was just a simple retell. No imbellishments... just a retell of an event that happened to her."

Pretty interesting, no natural explanation from the doctors they were stumped by what happened.
Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever.Amen.
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