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by Dan
Thu Mar 17, 2005 8:20 pm
Forum: Moral and Ethical Affairs
Topic: Murder defined in the New Testament
Replies: 13
Views: 5639

Strangle a person with what? Rope? Rope comes from plants you know ;) I think that falls under wood.
by Dan
Thu Mar 17, 2005 8:18 pm
Forum: Moral and Ethical Affairs
Topic: Napoleon...
Replies: 16
Views: 7607

I'm Neutral when it comes to elected officials, right now I think Bush is doing an OK job but could do a lot better. This is coming from a person with Iraqi heritage, so I know what I'm talking about when I judge Mr. Bush's actions. My family is very happy that lunatic Hussein is out of power.
by Dan
Thu Mar 17, 2005 8:14 pm
Forum: The Bible and Scripture
Topic: Alcohol/Wine
Replies: 53
Views: 19282

Everything must be taken in moderation. Everything. God gives us all things and some things are intended for specific uses (Hemp for rope and clothes and foods, NOT DRUGS 8) ) and some are to be used in moderation. God gives us wine and we enjoy it, but we're told not to overdrink. The same principl...
by Dan
Thu Mar 17, 2005 8:07 pm
Forum: Philosophical Discussions
Topic: My Psychic/Spirit theory(Poll included, read before voting)
Replies: 60
Views: 21680

I'm sorry I had to cast my vote that way, but that's the way I feel (I chose the last option). I see gifts from God as only that and nothing that is latent within our minds that needs unlocking. A Christian with "psychic" powers really just has a gift from God, nothing special considering ...
by Dan
Thu Mar 17, 2005 7:59 pm
Forum: Moral and Ethical Affairs
Topic: Is being Gay really that bad?
Replies: 184
Views: 49004

As long as they don't try to equate it as holy matrimony, I'm insulted if a Gay couple saw themselves at that level.
by Dan
Thu Mar 17, 2005 6:26 pm
Forum: Questions for Christians
Topic: The Lords supper
Replies: 52
Views: 13915

It is the Roman Catholic sacrament where a believer eats a consecrated wafer and drinks wine. Roman Catholics believe that during the sacrament, the bread and wine become the flesh and blood of Christ and that only through eating it can they be saved. They literally eat the flesh of Christ to be sav...
by Dan
Thu Mar 17, 2005 4:04 pm
Forum: Moral and Ethical Affairs
Topic: Is being Gay really that bad?
Replies: 184
Views: 49004

Please define what you mean by "bad", and tell me how you know if something is "bad"? I define the term 'bad' as doing something which hurts other individuals for your own personal gain. We know something is 'bad' when another person is in anyway injured by the actions of the ba...
by Dan
Thu Mar 17, 2005 3:57 pm
Forum: Moral and Ethical Affairs
Topic: Abortion - life begins when . . . ?
Replies: 86
Views: 40291

I find it ironic that a bunch of MEN can decide when a baby is truly alive or not. Shouldn't that be left up to the mother who is actually carrying this being inside her? Should a country be able to decide to kill someone with no reason other than convenience that dwells within it? You can't own hu...
by Dan
Thu Mar 17, 2005 3:33 pm
Forum: Christian Chit-chat
Topic: Prayer Doesn't Seem To Be Working
Replies: 15
Views: 4646

Talk with your brother! He is letting himself be subject to satan's grasp and only when it is loosened will he find mercy from the Lord. Talk to him, tell him you love him and that you want him to be healthy. Show him the good that is Jesus and show him how Jesus is greater than Satan, much greater....
by Dan
Thu Mar 17, 2005 3:27 pm
Forum: Christian Chit-chat
Replies: 8
Views: 3233

Let faith be your shield and reason be your sword as you beat Satan and his temptation into a bloody pulp through the power of Christ :D I had the same thoughts when I just turned into a Christian. What I think it was? Well, when I converted, I was giving up ALL the evil in my life, just look at thi...
by Dan
Thu Mar 17, 2005 3:24 pm
Forum: Christian Chit-chat
Topic: Illegal downloading, i have done plenty of that
Replies: 37
Views: 11922

I've downloaded music from artists that have made it a point that they don't mind it. Iron Maiden for example, I know the lead singer has said on radio that he was going to play a song and he told everyone who could bootleg it off the radio to do so. I'm very deadset on buying the albums as well, th...
by Dan
Thu Mar 17, 2005 3:05 pm
Forum: Moral and Ethical Affairs
Topic: Napoleon...
Replies: 16
Views: 7607

Napoleon was ambitious and power-hungry, I'm pretty sure Christ spoke against such people. Then again, that's nothing compared to what the Anti-Christ is going to be. He'll be so evil that no one will ever know, anyone ever read the book "Wizards First Rule" by Terry Goodkind? It's a terri...
by Dan
Thu Mar 17, 2005 3:01 pm
Forum: Moral and Ethical Affairs
Topic: Ethical Relavitism
Replies: 13
Views: 6060

It is never right to take money that is in a wallet or has identification. When I find change on the floor, I pick it up. Coins that hit the ground are very noisy and few people actually mind losing them. I also see it as a little help from God sometimes as well (there's a story behind this) : Somet...
by Dan
Thu Mar 17, 2005 2:54 pm
Forum: Moral and Ethical Affairs
Topic: Is being Gay really that bad?
Replies: 184
Views: 49004

Homosexuality is "bad" because it is giving in to desire and lust. It is the same thing as a man who has several sexual partners, it is adultery and lusting for worldly pleasure. You can love someone without having a sexual desire for them, I love all my male friends as much as my female f...
by Dan
Thu Mar 17, 2005 2:51 pm
Forum: Moral and Ethical Affairs
Topic: Euthanasia (assisted suicide)
Replies: 27
Views: 11208

I believe that we should not take part in assisted suicide. Suicide isn't something God condones so why should we assist it? In Numbers, God knows things we don't, since He's God we know that his order was just, righteous, and perfectly correct (I imagine the children wouldn't be punished in the aft...