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Past Presidents Comments on Immigration

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 5:39 pm
by Philip
How come when Bill Clinton and Obama said some of the very same things on immigration that Trump has, Democrats didn't vilify them as racists and haters? Hypocrisy much??? Ya just gotta see this short video:

Hopefully most here know I don't view the actions or words of politicians merely through the lens of partisanship and rhetoric of political parties, as I realize politicians are people with flaws (like everyone else), and so regardless of the party, they are all prone to sometimes stupid views and actions. And it's that same kind of partisanship, where people support one party and are hyper-partisan, in that they'll never criticize their own favorite politicians or party. In fact, often, the same views, when taken up by a party people typically oppose, are suddenly vilified and attacked. Why?

Re: Past Presidents Comments on Immigration

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 5:48 pm
by RickD

Re: Past Presidents Comments on Immigration

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 5:59 pm
by Kurieuo

Re: Past Presidents Comments on Immigration

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 6:06 pm
by RickD

Re: Past Presidents Comments on Immigration

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 6:25 pm
by edwardmurphy
The thing about liberals wanting open borders, amnesty for all, and extra rights for illegal immigrants is - to put it extremely charitably - a "mischaracterization." Since the rest of the commentary is based on that dishonest premise it's all nonsense.

You guys might want to try listening to actual liberals talk about their actual positions, rather than forming opinions based on soundbites from pundits.

Re: Past Presidents Comments on Immigration

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 6:34 pm
by RickD
ed wrote:
The thing about liberals wanting open boarders...
Not that again! y#-o

Re: Past Presidents Comments on Immigration

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 6:43 pm
by edwardmurphy
Who is that in your avatar? I always assumed it was Kramer from Seinfeld, but I never really looked at it. Now that I have I was clearly wrong.

Re: Past Presidents Comments on Immigration

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 7:17 pm
by abelcainsbrother
edwardmurphy wrote:The thing about liberals wanting open borders, amnesty for all, and extra rights for illegal immigrants is - to put it extremely charitably - a "mischaracterization." Since the rest of the commentary is based on that dishonest premise it's all nonsense.

You guys might want to try listening to actual liberals talk about their actual positions, rather than forming opinions based on soundbites from pundits.
Sounds like some liberals might be starting to agree with President Trump,but your leaders have not been put in their place yet and I see no reason to think they will anytime soon,because they like to ignore the American people.Ed,let's not forget about the election and what your party ran on and because it was exactly the opposite of what you're claiming. You should watch Tucker Carlson because he has had liberals on making the case for open borders and everything you claim to be against. See,conservatism is contagious and you are realizing how right we are about enforcing our laws when it comes to immigration.We will save so much money by not having open borders and chain illegal immigration. Maybe you are coming around,but I still have my doubts. You'll see that we are right about tax cuts too and pretty fast too,just wait until you file your taxes for this past year,I mean the child tax credit is doubled. You'll be thanking President Trump and Larry Kudlow.

Re: Past Presidents Comments on Immigration

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 7:34 pm
by Philip
Ed: Who is that in your avatar? I always assumed it was Kramer from Seinfeld, but I never really looked at it. Now that I have I was clearly wrong.
Eddo, you need to update the script for your specs - it's the guy who originated The Beatles' classic moptop do!

Re: Past Presidents Comments on Immigration

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 7:48 pm
by RickD
edwardmurphy wrote:Who is that in your avatar? I always assumed it was Kramer from Seinfeld, but I never really looked at it. Now that I have I was clearly wrong.

Re: Past Presidents Comments on Immigration

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 7:48 pm
by Kurieuo
edwardmurphy wrote:The thing about liberals wanting open borders, amnesty for all, and extra rights for illegal immigrants is - to put it extremely charitably - a "mischaracterization." Since the rest of the commentary is based on that dishonest premise it's all nonsense.

You guys might want to try listening to actual liberals talk about their actual positions, rather than forming opinions based on soundbites from pundits.
I do listen to people who advocate truly liberal values, like many interviewed by Dave Rubin. Somehow though, I feel your idea of an "actual liberal" would be different from my own.

I shared this video some time back, but I'd be interested in your thoughts on what Dave says here. Do you even see the intollerance of the left, progressives, certain "liberal" types or what-have-you? Or is such all simply in the heads of those you often politically disagree with.

Re: Past Presidents Comments on Immigration

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 7:59 pm
by RickD
Here's another:

Re: Past Presidents Comments on Immigration

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 7:03 pm
by Hortator
Okay putting this in the correct topic rather than creating a new one,

The budget was passed. Government is back in action (in case you weren’t aware it was down)

But this has me scratching my head, the dems don’t compromise on anything. So Why did the dems reopen the government for nothing in exchange? That’s unprecedented. The standard checklist is this,

-Dems demand something

-RethugliKKKhaaaans! go fetal position or get dragged into doing it with libelous media smear threats


I’ve been watching politics since I was of voting age. This sort of thing, Republicans pushing back, never has happened before. Has the worm turned?

Re: Past Presidents Comments on Immigration

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 7:13 pm
by RickD
Hortator wrote:Okay putting this in the correct topic rather than creating a new one,

The budget was passed. Government is back in action (in case you weren’t aware it was down)

But this has me scratching my head, the dems don’t compromise on anything. So Why did the dems reopen the government for nothing in exchange? That’s unprecedented. The standard checklist is this,

-Dems demand something

-RethugliKKKhaaaans! go fetal position or get dragged into doing it with libelous media smear threats


I’ve been watching politics since I was of voting age. This sort of thing, Republicans pushing back, never has happened before. Has the worm turned?
Compromise? ... -desk.html

Re: Past Presidents Comments on Immigration

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 7:43 pm
by Hortator
Compromise requires quid pro quo and I’m not seeing a lot of quids proing quos here