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Taking a leap of faith

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 2:11 am
by Gabrielman
Recently on facebook I saw a post about trusting God and taking that leap of faith into the uncertain future. For a long time I have had a massive issue trusting God, and I know where that doubt and mistrust came from, but learning to trust the Lord has been a struggle for me, but one that is rewarding. God will direct us, and ask us to trust Him when difficult times arise. Doing so isn't easy, nor is it a simple task...

When God put something on my heart, I prayed and prayed about it, and was too afraid to do it, but I eventually did it... then He put something else on my heart, and I prayed and prayed, and eventually did that as well, and it turned out for the better. Yeah it hurt to do, and it wasn't easy, but the "pay off" is that the Lord is directing my steps. I know He's put something else on my heart, for the future, and it will be difficult to accept or believe, because I feel like I don't deserve it after all I've done, and been through, but when I was struggling with it, God used two separate people, who didn't know each other, who I was in different I.M.'s with, to confirm it was for me. I had been asking Him that if it wasn't from Him, if it wasn't His will, then to remove it from my heart, and instead of doing that, the feeling just got more intense, and when I finally began to ask trusted people about it, God used them simultaneously to tell me to let it be, it's His will. These two have never spoken to one another, nor did I go into detail about what God had put on my heart, but yet they were still used to convey that message.

Now there is a point I'm getting to here, albeit I am taking my time with that. It's one thing to see people take a leap of faith, and seem okay on the outside, while it was very hard internally for them to do, and reading about such testimonies may make you feel great, believing that God will always make that leap of faith something easy, but it's not. It can be the most difficult thing you can do, and it might not even turn out very good at the beginning, but the end result is what matters. Your trials, and tribulations, whatever they may be, give them to God and trust in Him. It will be hard, when He calls you to take that leap of faith into the unknown waters below, but if you trust Him and His timing, you will see that it was worth it in the end. It may not even benefit you directly, it may be a great benefit to someone close to you that God needed you to bring.

Just something that's been on my mind as of late.