Urgent prayers for a co-worker that I know and care about (it involves drugs)

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Urgent prayers for a co-worker that I know and care about (it involves drugs)

Post by DRDS »

Hi everyone, this again concerns a co-worker of mine, the one I've had you all pray for in the past. Her name is Kim. Let me give you a brief background about her. She was born on Christmas eve, her parents separated sometime when she was a teen. She was much closer to her dad than her mom so she chose to live and hang around her dad. They didn't have much and they decided to leave their home state in Florida and come live in Kentucky.

He traveled around in a camper I assume until they could no longer do it, facing homelessness a small church accepted them to live there for the time being. But sadly her dad was into drugs and from what I understand he was at one time dealing drugs out of the church itself.

And ironically he died of an illness last year and of all days he died on easter Sunday. It's almost like God was not pleased with his actions. I don't care what the excuse or the reason for doing it is, dealing drugs from inside a church building is not good. And sadly from what I'm noticing she could be following in her dad's footsteps. I noticed back earlier this year she started flirting with me ironically after I came back from being on medical leave for a sickness I had. I now think she was only trying to get access to the medicine I was on.

I notice now she has like a new boyfriend every month or so, she goes through guys like crazy and I'm again thinking she's doing it to get access to drugs either to use or to sell, but more than likely to sell. I notice when she comes to work she parks near an area where all the other employees do not park and it's ironically near an alleyway where you can not be seen easily. Currently I chose to keep my distance from her at work because she now looks at me like a threat and says that I scare her, I guess obviously it's from where I know about her past and about what she could very likely be into.

But I'm not out to get revenge on her or to get back at her. First and foremost she's a human being a person who needs Christ, and a person who needs to come out of the kind of stuff that she's sadly been involved in since her childhood.

Many nights between the months of May and July I've cried myself to sleep thinking about her and what she must be going through because she lives with an elderly woman that's not even related to her. She drives a beat up car, she looks relatively healthy but she's border line sickly thin.

And the thing that gets to me the most is she constantly has a angry/sad look on her face she rarely almost never smiles, almost never looks happy, her situation from an emotional perspective, literally stabs me in the heart. But at the same time, she is a hard worker, she's always consistent, she taught me to be the very best worker in my department and from what I can tell she at least claims to be a believer. She always takes Sundays off and I assume she's still part of that one church that her and her dad were a part of.

But overall I just don't know why she's involved in the bad things she's involved with and why she's involved with men who will more than likely support her drug use and or drug dealing and who will more than likely treat her horribly and there's just no telling what else she could get into if she keeps going down this path.

I ask you all to please agree with me and join me in prayer for this person that she will get out of this horrible lifestyle that she is in, that she will eventually want help, get help and not only get out of any involvement in drugs but even more importantly get right with God and either truly become a believer for the first time or at the very least renew her relationship with Christ. Because first and foremost I want to see her saved and I want to see her in heaven if and when I get to go there myself.

And because where she currently despises me and avoids me at every cost, I also want you all to pray that God will send her other people in her life that want to truly help her and get her out of this current mess that she's in. And if it's somehow possible, that one day she will be back on good terms with me as well.

Also, I don't know for sure if God sends feelings of comfort and love aka "His presence" to people especially during times of great trouble but if He does, I most certainly pray that He will do such a thing for this girl.

That He will woo her back to Him and welcome her with wide open arms, because I believe in many ways, she probably thinks God despises her just from the fact that her dad (the one closest to her) died on easter Sunday.

So overall I pray for her safety, protection and that she will find peace with God and get out of the stuff she's in. That and I myself will receive some comfort out of all this as well, because even though it is a labor of love to hurt for someone it's just been taking a lot out of me here in the past few months. Especially between what's going on with her, what's going on with my best friend Bippy123 and just the usual things that go on with all my other friends and family members.

See this is why I'm so emotional and passionate about prayer and about getting results, this is why I got so frustrated and vented like I did on this thread http://discussions.godandscience.org/vi ... =3&t=40269 and it's because I'm so desperately and passionately in love with people in my life and I want to see them saved, and loved, and protected, and taken good care of. If that's wrong than I don't want to be right, that's who I am that's what I've become and I'm assuming that's what God wants me to be. I just hope and pray that you all with unite in prayer with me for these people in my life. Thank you all so much for your time and God bless.
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Re: Urgent prayers for a co-worker that I know and care about (it involves drugs)

Post by Philip »

DRDS, I will pray for her. I appreciate your heart for her well being and relationship with God. Be wise in your dealings with her - desperate people are capable of just about anything. It may be tough love that she most needs - but from someone she also knows is a compassionate Christian. It is incredible what some people are willing to bare - a worldly heavy yoke vs. the gentle one of the Lord. At its root, addiction is a spiritual problem.

Also, what is the present situation with Bippy?
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Re: Urgent prayers for a co-worker that I know and care about (it involves drugs)

Post by DRDS »

As far as Bippy, I sent him a message earlier today, I last spoke with him a few days ago, it's about the same, he's still thinking about what to do. He lives and sleeps in a garage at his brother's house. His two brothers are some of the lowest people I've ever heard of. They won't let him eat, clean up, sleep or do anything inside the house. to get internet access he has to go to fast food places or coffee shops in order to talk to me. As far as I know he's still thinking about his options at this time. Next time I talk to him, I'll ask him to come on here and give us an update. Thank you so much for asking. And continue to keep him in your prayers.
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Re: Urgent prayers for a co-worker that I know and care about (it involves drugs)

Post by 1over137 »

DRDS, i am joining you in prayers for Kim. My heart also goes for her. She suffers a lot and it does not have to be like this.
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Re: Urgent prayers for a co-worker that I know and care about (it involves drugs)

Post by melanie »

DRDS, like Philip said you have a huge heart.
God bless you for that!
You so deeply care for others. I will keep Kim in my prayers.

Please don't take what I'm about to say the wrong way, it is coming from a place of concern and love.
God is a God of peace not of fear.
We all have people in our lives who are not believers or struggling; mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, friends and loved ones. Try to not let it weigh too heavy on you.
God's got this.
He really has.
Your beautiful soul is so troubled by the thought of their fate but the best thing you can do is just love them, with content and peace. Worrying to the point of it causing you so much distress is not good for you, and I have to say not good for them either. Praying for them is wonderful, but try and hand it over to God. It's too heavy a burden to rest on your shoulders, if we take too much on, it can cause us to crumble under the weight.
Let God take that weight of your shoulders,
Have no fear.
Fear cripples us, it consumes us. It pushes people away. People respond to fear with fear and avoidance.
God deeply loves your friends and family that you spoke of in the other thread and your co-worker Kim. As He loves you. The highest expression, the very best testament to Christ is to love them, without fear.
Love creates connection that fear can shred away.
You cannot be responsible for their eternal security. As their brother love them, God will take on the rest. Only His shoulders are broad enough to carry the fate of His children.
Pray for your loved ones, don't meet them with fear of them being unsaved, but with the love of what is possible through Christ.
Be that friendly smile, open ear, loving friend and relative.
Don't let your fear of them being unsaved, which is stemming from your big, caring heart push people away.
Fear will be met with resistance.
Love without fear will be met with acceptance and will create connections with people that will allow God's light shining through you to reach them. Slowly sometimes, by God's will in His time.

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
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Re: Urgent prayers for a co-worker that I know and care about (it involves drugs)

Post by theophilus »

I will be praying for you and Kim. Melanie's advice was good and I will pray that you will be able to follow it.
God wants full custody of his children, not just visits on Sunday.
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