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Help for a lesson.

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 12:52 am
by Silvertusk

Was wondering if you could help me.

In a couple of weeks our school are having a multi-faith day and I am the representative "Christian". I have to come up with a 50 minute session on the theme of "Worship" and run it for Year 8 students 5 times. Year 8 are 12-13 year olds.

Has anyone got any inspired ideas what to do? Want to try and make it interesting and more inspiring that the other faiths... :ewink:

God Bless


Re: Help for a lesson.

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 7:56 am
by Nicki
I was thinking along the lines of saying we worship God because of who he is, what he's done etc - phrasing it in startling ways. Not sure how to stretch it out to 50 minutes though. :esmile:

Re: Help for a lesson.

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 8:55 am
by B. W.
Silvertusk wrote:Hello.

Was wondering if you could help me.

In a couple of weeks our school are having a multi-faith day and I am the representative "Christian". I have to come up with a 50 minute session on the theme of "Worship" and run it for Year 8 students 5 times. Year 8 are 12-13 year olds.

Has anyone got any inspired ideas what to do? Want to try and make it interesting and more inspiring that the other faiths... :ewink:

God Bless

Wow - tuff crowd !

First off, how much do they know about Jesus? Are they fairly knowledgeable and on fire for the Lord or somewhat, or lukewarm or cold?

That is the first place to start while praying about it - seek form the Lord their overall spiritual condition and adjust your message to that.

If they are predominately not christian and this is a comparative all religions valid affair, then you need to seek the Lord on how to explain himself to them to woo and move their hearts to actual worship. This may cause controversy, so be aware of that!

If they are Christians hungry for more of God, then, this should be no real problem other than seeking the Lord on how to engage their interest to actual worship...

so what is their collectivize knowledge on God?

Re: Help for a lesson.

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 9:10 am
by Silvertusk
They are basically students of a school that have taken Religious studies. Some are Muslim, maybe one or two Christians, some non-believers. All different really.

Re: Help for a lesson.

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 9:58 am
by B. W.
Silvertusk wrote:They are basically students of a school that have taken Religious studies. Some are Muslim, maybe one or two Christians, some non-believers. All different really.

You need prayer and intercession my friend!

So how do you think you should portray Christian worship to such a mix of students?

Are you held at bay by political correctness and school polices?

Do you limits or freedom of expression?

What would hinder you form proclaiming the reason we worship is that Jesus came and died on a cross and rose again so we too can resurrect into new life now and in the age to come, forever all by grace?

Re: Help for a lesson.

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 10:20 am
by RickD
Silvertusk wrote:Hello.

Was wondering if you could help me.

In a couple of weeks our school are having a multi-faith day and I am the representative "Christian". I have to come up with a 50 minute session on the theme of "Worship" and run it for Year 8 students 5 times. Year 8 are 12-13 year olds.

Has anyone got any inspired ideas what to do? Want to try and make it interesting and more inspiring that the other faiths... :ewink:

God Bless

What B. W. said. Preach the gospel. Why is Christianity better than religion. Preach Christ crucified and raised from the dead.
You have been given a great opportunity.

Re: Help for a lesson.

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 5:35 pm
by abelcainsbrother
I also think that you need to do something to get their attention to draw them into your message this is like in John 13 I'm pretty sure where Jesus and his disciples were having supper when all of a sudden Jesus got up and took his clothes off and washed the disciples feet and I think we can draw from this by saying don't be a boring Christian but do things to get peoples attention to draw them into your message. pray about it and read John 13.

Re: Help for a lesson.

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 6:44 pm
by Kurieuo
Silvertusk wrote:Hello.

Was wondering if you could help me.

In a couple of weeks our school are having a multi-faith day and I am the representative "Christian". I have to come up with a 50 minute session on the theme of "Worship" and run it for Year 8 students 5 times. Year 8 are 12-13 year olds.

Has anyone got any inspired ideas what to do? Want to try and make it interesting and more inspiring that the other faiths... :ewink:

God Bless

Wow, that must take a bit of guts to put yourself out there like that.

If it is truly a multi-faith day, then don't mish-mash them together to present a unitary post-modern faith that Humanists would applaud.
Such doesn't truly respect anyone's faith except that of the Humanist who believes it's all hogwash.

Instead, I'm visualising something like having "heads" of each faith to lead their own faith and activities, but run joint activities that imparts some understanding about what each truly believe as truth.
Let each faith truly represent their faith and beliefs in their own manner, rather than just turning a blind eye and getting along... you know?
People say you shouldn't discuss religion, but I think that's often what is missing: inter-faith dialogue that treats religious claims as matters of truth.

I'm really not sure how you would work it.
But, what you want to promote is love and friendship to a "neighbor" while tolerating differences in belief.
NOT, love and friendship while uniting beliefs together so that there is no real difference (or truth for that matter).

If you're being forced to do the second, I would just tell them that's unacceptable and find someone else.

Re: Help for a lesson.

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 6:48 pm
by Kurieuo
Kurieuo wrote:
Silvertusk wrote:Hello.

Was wondering if you could help me.

In a couple of weeks our school are having a multi-faith day and I am the representative "Christian". I have to come up with a 50 minute session on the theme of "Worship" and run it for Year 8 students 5 times. Year 8 are 12-13 year olds.

Has anyone got any inspired ideas what to do? Want to try and make it interesting and more inspiring that the other faiths... :ewink:

God Bless

Wow, that must take a bit of guts to put yourself out there like that.

If it is truly a multi-faith day, then don't mish-mash them together to present a unitary post-modern faith that Humanists would applaud.
Such doesn't truly respect anyone's faith except that of the Humanist who believes it's all hogwash.

Instead, I'm visualising something like having "heads" of each faith to lead their own faith and activities, but run joint activities that imparts some understanding about what each truly believe as truth.
Let each faith truly represent their faith and beliefs in their own manner, rather than just turning a blind eye and getting along... you know?
People say you shouldn't discuss religion, but I think that's often what is missing: inter-faith dialogue that treats religious claims as matters of truth.

I'm really not sure how you would work it.
But, what you want to promote is love and friendship to a "neighbor" while tolerating differences in belief.
NOT, love and friendship while uniting beliefs together so that there is no real difference (or truth for that matter).

If you're being forced to do the second, I would just tell them that's unacceptable and find someone else.
What I just said is also dependent on something else:

Is this a Christian school? And if so, why the hell would they do this?

Re: Help for a lesson.

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 11:43 pm
by Silvertusk
It is not a Christian school. Just part if their activities week and run by the RE department. They have a Muslim, a Hindu, a siekh, a Buddhist and me. Sounds like the beginning of a joke.

Re: Help for a lesson.

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 12:06 am
by Kurieuo
Silvertusk wrote:It is not a Christian school. Just part if their activities week and run by the RE department. They have a Muslim, a Hindu, a siekh, a Buddhist and me. Sounds like the beginning of a joke.
:) I'm not sure how I'd treat it.

Worship is like loving God right?
We are love God with out mind, body and soul.
Christians are known for neglecting the first.
But, in 50 minutes. What can you do?

I can't picture the crowd, what they'd be like except those who are Christian at that age.
Can't help but feel offering Christianity alongside others like a smorgasbord is a great outreach.

Handouts and materials would be good, although many may make there way quickly in the bin by most.

What is something important to the age group?
I suppose sex and trying to discover who you are, where you fit into the world.
Any Christian ministries out there aimed at young teenagers?

I'm probably not being much help. :P

Re: Help for a lesson.

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 1:48 am
by Silvertusk
No you are being a big help. It is a tricky one.

I don't think we have to conform to anything - we are basically representative of our respective religions so we do not have to be politically correct in any sense apart from maybe not saying that the other religions are wrong.

It is an all boys school and as a teacher I obviously want to make it as interesting and interactive as possible.

I am starting to have an idea which is -

1) Place various objects around the room which some people associate with worship - such as a football, some money, a picture of a pop star or film star, a computer game etc. and when the students come in - ask them what feelings do the objects give them.

2) Get them to talk about how important the ideas these objects represent to them are to them. If these objects don't represent anything that they are interested in then get them to think of something they really enjoy doing.

3) Ask them if they every get bored with the objects or interests of their desire.

4) Move them to a point where they consider that the object of their "worship" is not everlasting or going to be as fulfilling as they believe. Ask them that does the object ever make them sad or angry.

5) Then talk about where worship should be focused - on something that is eternal and good.

6) This will lead me into (hopefully) what Christians believe our object of worship is.

7) Then I can show them the different forms of Christian worship over the centuries - from benedictions to hymns to modern Christian Rock.

8) Then perhaps do something interactive where they can take part in one of the songs.

Phew....I will have to do this 5 times as well.

Re: Help for a lesson.

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 8:25 am
by B. W.
Silvertusk wrote:No you are being a big help. It is a tricky one.

I don't think we have to conform to anything - we are basically representative of our respective religions so we do not have to be politically correct in any sense apart from maybe not saying that the other religions are wrong.

It is an all boys school and as a teacher I obviously want to make it as interesting and interactive as possible.

I am starting to have an idea which is -

1) Place various objects around the room which some people associate with worship - such as a football, some money, a picture of a pop star or film star, a computer game etc. and when the students come in - ask them what feelings do the objects give them.

2) Get them to talk about how important the ideas these objects represent to them are to them. If these objects don't represent anything that they are interested in then get them to think of something they really enjoy doing.

3) Ask them if they every get bored with the objects or interests of their desire.

4) Move them to a point where they consider that the object of their "worship" is not everlasting or going to be as fulfilling as they believe. Ask them that does the object ever make them sad or angry.

5) Then talk about where worship should be focused - on something that is eternal and good.

6) This will lead me into (hopefully) what Christians believe our object of worship is.

7) Then I can show them the different forms of Christian worship over the centuries - from benedictions to hymns to modern Christian Rock.

8) Then perhaps do something interactive where they can take part in one of the songs.

Phew....I will have to do this 5 times as well.
We as Christians have a reason to worship, so do not forget that. It is discovered in the message of the Cross and Resurrection as that is the reason for our worship in whatever form it takes.

Vines Dictionary makes this notation of the Greek words used for worship:

Notes: "...The worship of God is nowhere defined in Scripture. A consideration of the above verbs shows that it is not confined to praise; broadly it may be regarded as the direct acknowledgement to God, of His nature, attributes, ways and claims, whether by the outgoing of the heart in praise and thanksgiving or by deed done in such acknowledgment."

Vines Dictionary defines the Hebrew word translated as worship:

" worship, prostrate oneself, bow down."

The ancient Hebrew pictograph root word and number value is Shin (300), Chet (8), Hey (5) which shows a living respect toward one greater than you. In other words, one is to live life by living life consumed with YHWH breaking our pride so one can arise to a new day of protection by beholding God's grace that guides our future steps in life. Simply put in layman's terms, the root points to this truth about worship: walk humbly before the Lord daily because I did not deserve your grace, thank you, I am yours wholly know - guide my life to reflect you on this earth.

Now the bible numeric reveals this from the root word numbers 300, 8, and 5 which is: the Holy Spirit helps us walk in a new day by God's grace in order to break the power of apostasy, rebellion, depravity, sin, and hubris. Next, The Holy Spirit teaches us new responsibilities/order so we live life yoked with the only strong one - God - who alone can make us whole and sound.

In other words, you live life in a state of worship. So, what do we bow down too and daily serve? TV, I Phones, X box Games, Sports, religious rituals and duties that call for the take over of the world? Politics? What consumes us the most - our works/duties, or God's grace?

In fact Romans 12:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 -- Romans 12:9,10,11,12,13,14, 15 --- Romans 12:16,17,18,19,20,21 defines worship very well. No one can worship is this manner unless they are born again Christians governed by the Holy Spirit who is changing one's thoughts so one reflects more Christlikeness and less of themselves by God's grace which empowers us, not our works alone.

I know I am not you but I would mention how in India Hindus murder Christians as do Muslims and ask whom do you serve?

Asking them if these religions produce what Romans 12:9-21 mentions? Let the Holy Spirit have your tongue and expect to be tossed out of the conference or God show up mightily. Again, that is me, as I am a bit more lovingly by the Holy Spirit in your face kind of minister... Life is too short to play namby pamby games when peoples souls are at stake.

Blessings and you call it as you and the Lord see's best and you will do well :esmile: