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I'm a Christian and I'm struggling with homosexuality

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 2:04 am
by MCF
This is probably the only site that I can admit to this on, so here it goes. I know homosexuality isn't God's intent for human sexuality. I know it's sin. I don't even want to argue about that.

I'm not having a moral dilemma, the problem is that I... I'm pretty much gay. And yes I constantly feel guilty about it. Don't always feel comfortable around other Christians just because I feel spirituallly inferior or "more of a sinner". Sex and such isn't really very important to me, but I'm worried that it could leech the fulfillment out of any straight relationships that I have! I feel like I'd be happier with a guy, but I know that's wrong. Help.

Re: I'm a Christian and I'm struggling with homosexuality

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 5:06 am
by SoCalExile
Well I'm not going to condemn you; I can't say I've struggled too much with this. All I can do is give you resources.

This article is by a gay woman with that struggle: ... sexual-sin

Re: I'm a Christian and I'm struggling with homosexuality

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 5:20 am
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Most of us struggle with a dominant sin of one type or another. For some people, the dominant sin may be anger or gossip or stealing or lying or pornography or adultery or pedophilia or whatever. Your dominant just happens to be a sin that is presently in the limelight and is now being remodled into something acceptable.

What you have to understand is that God loves you, period. He loves you like your dog loves you (somewhat) in that He wants to be around you, will follow you wherever you go and has graciously forgiven all your sins. God is also faithful and will complete the good work He has started in you the moment the Holy Spirit set up shop in your soul.

You can't overcome your sin, so just forget about battling it. All you can do is ask God to take it away. Pray, pray, pray, pray every day, earnestly asking God to overcome this for you. God has promised in His Word that He will give you what you ask if it is according to His Will. That's as good a guarantee as you can get that your own dominant sin will be taken care of in God's good time.


Re: I'm a Christian and I'm struggling with homosexuality

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 6:20 am
by Kurieuo
MCF wrote:This is probably the only site that I can admit to this on, so here it goes. I know homosexuality isn't God's intent for human sexuality. I know it's sin. I don't even want to argue about that.

I'm not having a moral dilemma, the problem is that I... I'm pretty much gay. And yes I constantly feel guilty about it. Don't always feel comfortable around other Christians just because I feel spirituallly inferior or "more of a sinner". Sex and such isn't really very important to me, but I'm worried that it could leech the fulfillment out of any straight relationships that I have! I feel like I'd be happier with a guy, but I know that's wrong. Help.
Hi "pretty much gay", I'm Kurieuo... at least that's my alias here.

Don't identity as what you think you are. You are you.
Gay, straight are labels people invent to distinguish what we're not and we're "we" belong, or to try and make a statement or something or other.

In reality, Jesus didn't come for this or that human, or group of humans, but rather humanity.
We all belong in the same big group before God. Without Christ that would all leave us all in no good place.

So if Christ has your back then who am I to accuse or codemn?
Clearly you don't seem to be trying to justify and remain an honest Christian in acknowledging your sin and struggle...

I can't say I struggle the same as you, but nonetheless have my own battles.
So I wish you well in yours. y>:D<

Re: I'm a Christian and I'm struggling with homosexuality

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 8:53 am
by B. W.
All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God, Romans 3:23.

As others have stated, it is not about labels. Society and others label - name you. You are first and foremost YOU. But the question arises - do you honestly know who you are?

What truthfully brings you a feeling of significance being somebody - makes you feel like you belong?

How was this robbed from you before you ever understood any labels?

Jesus Christ came to save YOU from yourself, so you can discover who you were really fashioned to be like. Therefore, what does Romans 8:29,30 reveal to you? Reconciliation - 2 Co 5:18,19,20,21 and 2 Co 5:17...

Now read Matthew 13:52 NIV and ponder this a bit before responding.

Do you love labels more than what Jesus offers?

Take your time and ponder these questions and these verses before responding. Let the Lord speak to you...


Re: I'm a Christian and I'm struggling with homosexuality

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 9:20 am
by 1over137
MCF, all before me said wise words. Let me just post a link to a website set up by gay people. In my opinion it is great site which I learned about on this forum.

Re: I'm a Christian and I'm struggling with homosexuality

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 9:50 am
by Storyteller
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.

God bless you for a brave, honest and humble post, and welcome to the forum.


Re: I'm a Christian and I'm struggling with homosexuality

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 3:32 pm
by abelcainsbrother
I would say never let whatever you may be struggling with effect your relationship with Jesus.A lot of times Satan condemns us and throws our sin up to us,for he is the accuser of the brethren,don't allow Satan to effect your relationship with Jesus Christ no matter what,make sure Jesus and your relationship with him is your focus.The closer you are to him the less likely you will slip up.Spend time with the Lord and read and study God' s word.Satan is going to try to set traps for you to fall into so that he can then condemn you and effect your faith in God.Don't let him.

Keep on praying,repenting of your sin,never get to a point where you make excuses for your sin,at the same time don't let it effect your relationship with God.Be real with God about your flaws and acknowledge them and try to make up in your mind that with God's grace and with his Holy Spirit you can conquer anything that effects you.Nobody can make you do anything not even Satan and you do not have to act on anything that you might be tempted to act on.If you slip up? Repent and ask forgiveness.

If you are in a ministry and it has became a serious problem?It would be important to step down so as to not cause a stumbling block,for whom much is given much is required.Don't cover it up and think it won't come out.

Welcome to the forum.

Re: I'm a Christian and I'm struggling with homosexuality

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 3:45 pm
by jlay
thanks for sharing.

Just finished book called, Out of a Far Country, that I would highly recommend. Excellent.

Or, anything from Rosaria Butterfield.

K is right on the money. You aren't "gay." You are a person who experiences same sex attraction. If you are a believer, you are a child of God. That is your identity, and any feeling, emotion or proclivity doesn't define who you are. He (Jesus) has already defined who you are, regardless of what you feel.

If that was your identity, there wouldn't be a struggle. It would just be who you are. The struggle is the blessing.
Question: Can you think back to a time in your adolescence where your sexual attractions might have been misdirected?

Re: I'm a Christian and I'm struggling with homosexuality

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 7:24 am
by stuartcr
MCF wrote:This is probably the only site that I can admit to this on, so here it goes. I know homosexuality isn't God's intent for human sexuality. I know it's sin. I don't even want to argue about that.

I'm not having a moral dilemma, the problem is that I... I'm pretty much gay. And yes I constantly feel guilty about it. Don't always feel comfortable around other Christians just because I feel spirituallly inferior or "more of a sinner". Sex and such isn't really very important to me, but I'm worried that it could leech the fulfillment out of any straight relationships that I have! I feel like I'd be happier with a guy, but I know that's wrong. Help.
According to many, you have made a choice. Do you remember when you decided to be a homosexual? What were the circumstances that led you to your choice?

Re: I'm a Christian and I'm struggling with homosexuality

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 8:21 am
by melanie
I have a nephew who was just that bit different from a toddler.
He was picked on as soon as he started school.
It progressed throughout primary and high school.
This young man came into my life before I had children of my own. The first grandchild of my inlaws and the first child in my life, my niece soon followed. Being so maternal I spoilt them and adored them, it went both ways. They holidayed with us from when they were very little. They were a constant part of my life and when I had kids of my own it only progressed. They did and still do absolutely love their Aunty Mel. My husband and I have paid for their extra curricular activities and many other expenses. I love them dearly. I have other nieces and nephews but these kids needed support and I was there with bells on.
I watched as my nephew didn't quite develop in the usual developmental boys way.
He wasn't into the same thing.
He was more feminine, more sensitive. My sister-in-law never encouraged it. She was embarrassed. She wanted a boys boy.
I wanted a happy, healthy nephew. I never critised him. Put him down. I just loved and still do him for who is is.
I remember the tears. I remember the heart break from when he was small 8,9,10 that age when the differences are first noticed and he would come and stay with me on school holidays and break down, my heart shattered for my beautiful boy. He was being picked on and ostracised from an early age.
It made my instinct to protect him more pronounced.
Going forward a few years to when he was a teenager he got angry and he got defiant. All through it I just supported and loved him.
He asked me one day if I would love him always when he was 13 I think. I told him nothing could ever stop me loving him as if he was my very own. I told him that whenever he thought he was alone, he had my love and support without question always.
He went through suicidal tendencies and really struggled for a while.
This kid was different from the get go, I dont know what that means but I observed it. My 2 sons grew up batman, superman, hulk, wrestling, footy, blokey, but I watched him from 2 want to play barbie and baking, never interested in super heroes.
He is still only 18.
I support him. I love him
What's my alternative?
Reject him?
I can't and I won't.

Re: I'm a Christian and I'm struggling with homosexuality

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 5:22 pm
by Kurieuo
Who are you responding to when you say "Reject him? I can't and I won't."

Also, being more "feminine" if male or more "masculine" if female doesn't mean you're gay.
Does it? I hope that's not what you're alluding to. That this more "feminine" boy is gay because he liked barbie dolls.

Re: I'm a Christian and I'm struggling with homosexuality

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 2:25 am
by Mallz
I used to use the easy bake oven all the time when I was a boy.. Still think those things are badass.
Now I'm a nurse :mrgreen:

Re: I'm a Christian and I'm struggling with homosexuality

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 3:59 am
by Kurieuo
Mallz wrote:I used to use the easy bake oven all the time when I was a boy.. Still think those things are badass.
Now I'm a nurse :mrgreen:
"When I was a boy"? Were you a boy and now a girl?

For myself, now I'm grown up and raising my own kids, I remind me of my Mum. :econfused:

Re: I'm a Christian and I'm struggling with homosexuality

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 4:24 am
by Mallz
I consider myself a man now :lol:
For myself, now I'm grown up and raising my own kids, I remind me of my Mum. :econfused: