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Hip and Thigh

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 7:55 am
by theophilus
I recently discovered this very helpful blog.

Here is the author's description.
My name is Fred Butler. I’m a graduate of Arkansas State University and The Master’s Seminary. I currently live in the LA area and work at Grace to You, the radio ministry of John MacArthur, where I have the honor of coordinating and directing the volunteer ministries. My wife and I have five kids and we are all actively involved at Grace Community Church.

I began this blog in 2005 to have an outlet for my opinions both theological and secular. I don’t have any particular emphasis with my blog except for promoting a high view of God, the authority of Scripture, and a biblically grounded worldview.

I have another website called Fred’s Bible Talk where you can listen to some of my devotional teaching I give to my volunteers and I have a secondary blog called Biblical Premillennialism.

Please keep in mind that even though I work for Grace to You and attend Grace Church, and I am pretty much in theological agreement with my co-labors, my blog does not necessarily reflect their opinions or convictions. In other words, don’t blame them if you get offended by something you find here. I am the responsible party. I am in no fashion an authoritative representative who speaks for either organization.

In case you are wondering, “hip and thigh” comes from Judges 15:8. It is an expression explaining how Samson, under the power of the Holy Spirit, killed a thousand men with a donkey jawbone. It is one of my favorite KJV expressions (next to “he stinketh, Lord” John 11:39), and it has absolutely nothing to do with joint pain medication.