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Southern Baptist Seminaries and Biologos Conversation

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 9:35 am
by Canuckster1127
Thought this would be of interest to any with interest in Creationism.

BioLogos is an organization founded by Francis Collins (the leader of the Human Genome Project and currently appointed head of the National Institutes of Health) that effectively promotes and seeks to explain to the Christian community, Theistic Evolution. They provide homeschooling materials and they are the organization that Ken Ham was expelled from one set of homeschooling conferences for attacking from the platform when they were fellow presenters at conferences that he was present at.

I keep up with the organizations newsletter. This is an email I received today drawing attention to a dialogue that has been opened between Biologos and the Southern Baptist Seminaries through Kenneth Keathley, the Vice President of Academic Affairs at Southeastern Seminary at Wake Forest.
Dear Bart ,

As you know, the mission of BioLogos is to show that the Christian faith and mainstream science not only can exist in harmony, but do exist in harmony. God reveals himself in both the written book of the Bible and through the book of his creation--the natural world. Although we recognize the supremacy of the first book, the fact is that we all struggle with how to merge the truths revealed in both books while still maintaining the inerrancy of each. This challenge comes from reading each book with glasses that are a little fuzzy. In 1 Corinthians 13, Paul compares our knowledge to that of little children: "For now we see through a glass, darkly . . ." he says, and then he goes on to say " . . . now I know in part; but then I shall know even as I also am known" (vv. 11-12).

Currently, BioLogos is engaged in a respectful and, we believe, loving dialogue with Southern Baptist seminarians who read and interpret the two books slightly differently than we do. Our March newsletter will update you on this and other matters as BioLogos continues its work in showing that mainstream science and the Christian faith exist in harmony.


Darrel Falk
President, The BioLogos Foundation
The connection to the Newsletter referenced is this. ... owing.html

Linked within the article is the first exchange with Dr. Keathly giving an overview of Southern Baptist Concerns as well as Biologos' response. Apparently several more exchanges are arranged and will be forthcoming.

Fell free to digest and comment on either document. I will put up links to further exchanges as I become aware of them.
