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Strange dream that i JUST remembered i had...

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 10:39 pm
by zcaz
I was just watching TV and for some reason i had a strange remembrance of a dream i had about 2 months ago.(i think..) Usually my dreams aren't vivid at all but this one felt real to me, this dream had more detail than i've ever noticed before and this is actually starting to make me wonder..

I have only recently been so interested in religion, and even more recently researching end time prophecy(the past couple of days) but i had this dream i think a month or two ago. In my dream i was in a strange house, kind of looked like an oldschool tavern, and it was pretty big. There was a lot of rooms and guards outside in the hallways, I remember being transported to a room where this girl i had known from elementary school was, i was surprised to see her and i started talking to her, and for some reason she gave me tips on how to get out of there(I think we were being held captive)

All of the sudden i was outside near a beach, and there was guards on the beach all along the waters, and i was trying to run by them and stay in the dark, when finally i made a run for the water and a muslim man caught me and then, i'm assuming he took me back to the "cavern" because i had suddenly appeared there in the bottom of a bunkbed with a room full of other people in bunkbeds as well. That's the last thing i can remember about the dream but I think there was more detail than that..

Anyways, I have recently been speculating that the Muslims Mahdi is the Christians Anti-Christ, and I think the Muslim brotherhood will be the reason for Christian martyrdom in the end times. This dream is making me wonder if I was a seeing a clip of the future? Am i just paranoid(even though i wasn't even aware of what role i think Islam will play in the future at that time) Or am i just racist? =/ (Not racist...just ...AntiIslamist.. haha)

Re: Strange dream that i JUST remembered i had...

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 7:03 am
by jlay
It's hard to say. I have friends that are convinced of prophetic dreaming. And certainly there is a basis for it in the bible. Even pagans in the bible had real prophetic dreams.

I have a friend that is really involved in this. I am a bit suspicious, even though I've had dreams that seemed prophetic in nature. Some to a personal level. Some in a much broader scope.

You might consider that your dream has personal application and actually has nothing to do with end times or even with Islam as a whole. Islam, because of its evils, could just be a way that is communicating something evil or demonic. Maybe there is something in your life, an outside force, that it causing you harm. And these figures represent that. Usually figures in dreams, like an old friend or family member have some significance as well.

The best thing you can do, is first, make sure you are not taking any sleep aids or prescription meds. Write down your dreams as soon as you wake up, making sure to note details, such as objects, people, etc.
Remember that dreams are a natural response of the brain, and it could mean something or be nothing. What you are looking for is a pattern of dreaming.

Re: Strange dream that i JUST remembered i had...

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 8:55 am
by B. W.
Hi zcaz,

I would agree with Jlay –look for patterns to dreams. Write them down, etc…

A dream from the Lord will not be forgotten in any details. Biological dreams, will be forgotten and details murky at best. That is the difference. For example, when I was younger, I had a continuous dream ongoing dream.

Wherever the dream left off, a few nights later, it began there and continued, then it stopped. Through the years, actual scenes came to mind as I traveled. Driving thru a forest fire with my wife is but one. This happened several years ago at Glacier National Park when they had several major fires. We got caught near a minor blaze, while driving, and passed several forest firefighters discussing what to do, just as I had dreamed 35 years ago.

I have never forgotten these dreams, nor the details, and so far about 97 percent of the dream is complete, verified in places I have been during my life and thru people I met. The meaning and purpose of this dream was only for me to know, so I do not share that part. Nearing the end, is a new beginning and nothing to fear.

Dreams from the Lord – the details, do not grow dim. Our Biological dreams are forgotten easily. Your dream may be revealing something to you, or it may not. If something, then you can ask the Lord about and let us know what it means to you. From this we can all learn together.

Be Blest

Re: Strange dream that i JUST remembered i had...

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 9:34 am
by puritan lad
Or better yet, treat the dream as what it was, a dream. Sticking with Scripture as the only special revelation from God will help you avoid strange doctrine.

Re: Strange dream that i JUST remembered i had...

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:28 am
by jlay
Yes, be very careful with dreaming. Scripture is to be your guide. However, is PL right? His position, correct me if I'm wrong, is that prophetic dreaming is not happening at all today. That is because of his very determined view of scripture in that the canon of scripture is closed. I agree that the canon is closed. But does this exclude prophetic dreaming? I am confident that we do NOT have any new revelation regarding authoritative scripture. What we have is closed and complete. I don't think that means that this excludes prophetic dreams. For example, dreams in the bible are not always viewed as doctrinal. Remember that God used servants to interpret dreams of pagans. Do we consider Pharoah a prophet of God? And his dreams biblical doctrine? How about Nebuchanezzer? Although the account is held in scripture, the dreams themselves weren't "Thus sayeth the Lord." Then we also have prophetic dreams and visions that do hold scriptural authority. The distinctions in these things are pretty clear. We know that prophetic dreaming is itself prophesied to happen. And so we have good reason to believe that the scripture does not contain every dream where God communicated with someone.

The friend I mentioned before is very much involved in prophetic dreaming. He will be one of the first to tell you that this is an area where people can be lead into false doctrine. These can be open doors into the demonic, and lead people away from the authority of scripture. So, scripture has to be the foundation that we filter all elements of our life through. That doesn't mean I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss dreaming like PL, since that very scripture we hold in authority has a lot to say on the matter, and that dreaming is a confirmed way that God speaks into our world.
Obviously the scripture doesn't reveal such things as, there will be an economic collapse, or an earthquake on June 2, etc. However, scripture does contain history of those exact type of things being revealed through dreams. And the scripture does give us guidelines and advises us to test the spirits.

Most dreams are forgotten even before we wake up. But some seem to be significant. I had one the other night, that involved a Christian brother of mine. He has moved away from my area and I don't see him much anymore. In this dream, I saw him on TV, and he and his wife were working with a project that involved translating the bible for cultures that didn't have it in their language. What is interesting is about a year ago, he felt drawn to the foreign mission field. I've haven't spoken with him lately, and I haven't talked about him or thought about him in recent weeks. So, there wasn't another reason for me to dream about him, such as a recent conversation or memory. This was a guy that we could never get to take a mission trip. Now it is all he thinks about, and has recently spent some time in Africa. I'm very interested to share this dream with him.

The interesting point is that I saw him on TV. I haven't had many of these types of dreams, but one notable thing is that in them I am either looking through a camera, a window, or a TV. Apparently this is supposed to be a marker that a dream has some spiritual significance. I didn't know that unitl I was decribing a dream to someone in which I was observing things through a camera lens.
I've also heard testimony of dreams that directed a believer to specific scripture verses, and one recently that guided a believer to a strong's concordance reference number. Anyway, it's funny to hear myself describing these things, because I have always been very suspicious, and still am, of these types of things. Proceed with caution.

Re: Strange dream that i JUST remembered i had...

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:38 am
by Canuckster1127
I find nothing in Scripture to preclude God from using dreams in terms of specific guidance of persons in specific situations. It's one thing to advocate testing things and making sure it doesn't violate scripture or the character of Christ. It's another thing to reduce God to a formula who is not free to work as He chooses in the hearts and lives of people.

Re: Strange dream that i JUST remembered i had...

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 10:31 pm
by mandelduke
jlay wrote:It's hard to say. I have friends that are convinced of prophetic dreaming. And certainly there is a basis for it in the bible. Even pagans in the bible had real prophetic dreams.

I have a friend that is really involved in this. I am a bit suspicious, even though I've had dreams that seemed prophetic in nature. Some to a personal level. Some in a much broader scope.

You might consider that your dream has personal application and actually has nothing to do with end times or even with Islam as a whole. Islam, because of its evils, could just be a way that is communicating something evil or demonic. Maybe there is something in your life, an outside force, that it causing you harm. And these figures represent that. Usually figures in dreams, like an old friend or family member have some significance as well.

The best thing you can do, is first, make sure you are not taking any sleep aids or prescription meds. Write down your dreams as soon as you wake up, making sure to note details, such as objects, people, etc.
Remember that dreams are a natural response of the brain, and it could mean something or be nothing. What you are looking for is a pattern of dreaming.
Good question, but what you have described is a bad dream. No doubt deriving from your fear of a Muslim takeover or something. Although the end of times will come from the Muslims trying to destroy Israel, they will never destroy Israel or the church, You can believe that! As far as prophetic dream’s, I have had four supernatural experiences while sleeping, and there were know comparisons to dreams.

Re: Strange dream that i JUST remembered i had...

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 11:53 pm
by neo-x
Dreams are for the most part, a symbolic language that your subconscious uses to convey to your conscious. Because the subconscious brain can not speak but it knows the meaning of the thoughts you attach to the images in your head. For example, surrounded by dead bodies in a dream could mean that you are surrounded by lazy people or people with no initiative. Its not that the people you see are going to die, it just means that you brain knows that the dead in principle means "non-animated" so the thinking pattern uses the image of dead body to reiterate the message or your feeling that people around you are not doing their tasks or are not helping you at all. This is just an example the process is very complicated since each person has his own unique fears and symbolism to assign things.

A Muslim man dragging you back is your brain re-iterating your inner alarm or the thing you hate or fear. It is re-enforcing what you already believe is true. It is a defense mechanism. It puts you back on alert and unfortunately makes you stronger in your convictions. Surrounded by guards, again means surrounded by authority, restriction, little to no freedom.

Alolow me to further explain a bit.

I had a troubling kind of dream for years. The dream changed but the core message never changed, in my dreams, and I had a lot of them, someone always shot me in the head. For years I was afraid that the repeating dreams must mean it may happen someday, given that we evangelize in a Muslim country. That it was somehow prophetic but then a few months back, I realize that I have always been sensitive about things close to my face or head. That means anything. My brother has an air gun, even if its not loaded and the chamber is empty I get twitchy if its pointing towards my face, even at a distance. I don't like people touching my face or ruffling my hair, I never liked it as long as I remember.

The other thing to note is, that I have another problem, and that is I can't say no to someone if they ask me again and again. I will give in eventually. I just don't know but some people have in the past used my weakness to exploit to their interest. Like doing professional work for free. Forcing me to agree with them when I am not interested...getting me to do things not out of friendship but because I can't refuse them and that includes bullying at office. You get the idea. Over time I started developing an inner hate within me. It was not only that I avoided such people but I begin to hate them, really hate them. I wanted to hit them but on the surface I would do what they are saying with a smile and pretend that I am not offended one bit.

But it was only then I realized that what the dream is about, its about what I feel wrong, and what I hate and the dream is using that imagery to convey that there is a problem and I need to confront it. Someone shooting you is obviously someone forcing something on you against your will, that is the core nature of the act. The subconscious cant spell this out but it knows the feelings. And combine with my fear of things close to my head. The dream just makes up people who shoot me, signifying that I hate people who force upon me. It uses imagery to to tell me that I need to stop avoiding the problem and face it, neutralize it.

And the thing as as soon as I realized this, I decided to change, that I would say no to people and I will if it bothers me too much. And you know what in a matter of weeks the dream that I was having for 5 years suddenly stopped. Why? because the brain now knows that whats troubling me has been confronted, a solution is present and therefore it is not a priority task anymore.

Your dreams are connected to you.

Re: Strange dream that i JUST remembered i had...

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 7:02 am
by RickD
Neo wrote:
I don't like people touching my face or ruffling my hair, I never liked it as long as I remember.
The other thing to note is, that I have another problem, and that is I can't say no to someone if they ask me again and again.
Hey Neo, can I ruffle your hair? Can I please? Neo will you let me ruffle your hair? Please oh please? Neo, please let me ruffle your hair? :mrgreen:

Re: Strange dream that i JUST remembered i had...

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 8:50 am
by Mallz
Here's a thought: The Holy Spirit lives within us, which is part of God. God lives outside of time and space. How does God know everything that will happen? Because he can view it from outside of time. Having the Holy Spirit connects us to God (right?) If this is true, then we might be able to have glimpses of events that have not but will happen through the connection to the Holy Spirit. (through subconscious means?)

Regardless, it doesn't matter. Events will happen and the only thing that matters is how you respond to them: As a servant loving your friends and foes, forgiving your tormentors during the hour of torment.