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The "Gossip" thread

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 9:34 pm
by Kurieuo
Just notifying all it has been removed at the request of some.

Many went to a lot of effort with their posts. If anyone who posts a lot in the thread wants a copy please PM me.

Thanks everyone!

Re: The "Gossip" thread

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 4:57 pm
by warhoop
Kurieuo wrote:Just notifying all it has been removed at the request of some.

Many went to a lot of effort with their posts. If anyone who posts a lot in the thread wants a copy please PM me.

Thanks everyone!
That's too bad. I can understand why it must have been removed, but I feel, probably more so than most any other thread or discussion, that it exemplified what being a follower of Christ means. Please allow me to defend.

My wife and I had a horrible argument that involved raised voices and angry looks which was witnessed by our two young children. They left and stayed at her parents house that night and there was no communication between us until the next morning. I didn't sleep, she didn't sleep, the kids were scared, and I'll admit that I was more than concerned about the future of our marriage. I called her late the next morning, apologized, asked her to return and she did. We held each other, we wept, we reconciled, and we prayed. The boys were playing in another room when the reconciliation took place and as soon as we saw them, my youngest, who is 3, stated to me the best he could, his concern and his fear about what had happened the night before. I told him that everything was fine and that Mom and Dad had apologized to each other, but despite my assurances, he still had some misgivings about what he had witnessed. It was at that moment that I realized that it was just as important, perhaps more, for my kids to witness his parents' reconciliation as the reconciliation itself. We will fight in public but make up in private. The most vivid memory my boys will have of that event is that of the argument and nothing with which to offset it.

All too often, this is how conflicts play out. Coworkers have a very public dispute which is settled behind closed doors at the boss' office. Scathing editorials are published and later corrected in small print. Gossip rips through a congregation and somebody or bodies just cease to show up. It grieves me that when there are so many other worthy battles to be fought that we fight amongst ourselves, but it happens and will continue to happen because the church is full of sinners. Which is why I feel that the disputes that play publicly should be resolved publicly. Jesus says it way better than I ever could (John 13:35).

You are my brothers and my sisters and I pray that I can always remember that what unites us is stronger than what divides us and that any conversation, past, or future, is always a reflection of that.

Re: The "Gossip" thread

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 5:59 pm
by Kurieuo
I too thought it would be good to remain. Especially given some of the positive outcomes.

However, some who participated within wanted it removed from public which I guess is understandable, so I have willingly obliged.

Re: The "Gossip" thread

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 6:04 pm
by warhoop
Just for clarification. The intent of my post was not to condone any type of abuse, public or private, but to point out the we as Christians must pursue transparency when the rest of the world must run from it, comprehend the light while the rest of the world embraces the darkness.

And so this statement:
warhoop wrote: That's too bad. I can understand why it must have been removed, but I feel, probably more so than most any other thread or discussion, that it exemplified what being a follower of Christ means.
is not an accurate one and I apologize for my poor judgement. The thought behind the statement was intended to be encouraging, but upon reflection and in light of the wounds that no doubt exist in reference to the original thread, the statement now appears to me to be more malicious than beneficial and if/when viewed by a non Christian would appear derogatory. I'm sorry.

Re: The "Gossip" thread

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 8:48 pm
by Kurieuo
warhoop wrote:Just for clarification. The intent of my post was not to condone any type of abuse, public or private, but to point out the we as Christians must pursue transparency when the rest of the world must run from it, comprehend the light while the rest of the world embraces the darkness.

And so this statement:
warhoop wrote: That's too bad. I can understand why it must have been removed, but I feel, probably more so than most any other thread or discussion, that it exemplified what being a follower of Christ means.
is not an accurate one and I apologize for my poor judgement. The thought behind the statement was intended to be encouraging, but upon reflection and in light of the wounds that no doubt exist in reference to the original thread, the statement now appears to me to be more malicious than beneficial and if/when viewed by a non Christian would appear derogatory. I'm sorry.
That's alright warhoop. I didn't take your statement/s in any way negative.