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Aborted Fetuses?

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 8:50 pm
by Jorge
They go straight to heaven right? I mean they have original sin, but isn't there an age of accountability?

Re: Aborted Fetuses?

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 1:25 am
by Kurieuo
Jorge wrote:They go straight to heaven right? I mean they have original sin, but isn't there an age of accountability?
By the same logic all the lives of Christians should be aborted too, yeah?

Re: Aborted Fetuses?

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 10:38 am
by Jac3510
This is one of those issues that I believe the Bible does not address. You have lots of instances of children dying in Scripture, but nothing about their fate. People use David's child as proof on the matter, but I, for one, am unfortunately not convinced that we can get that from that account. I need to look into this more, because right now, I just have to say, "I don't know; God didn't feel the need to tell us." :P

Re: Aborted Fetuses?

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 11:03 am
by BavarianWheels
I don't know either...but I can assume with confidence that God's judgement on these will be fair.

Re: Aborted Fetuses?

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 1:10 am
by Jorge
Kurieuo wrote:
Jorge wrote:They go straight to heaven right? I mean they have original sin, but isn't there an age of accountability?
By the same logic all the lives of Christians should be aborted too, yeah?
well, so they don't go to heaven? ...

Re: Aborted Fetuses?

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 9:36 am
by B. W.
Jorge wrote:They go straight to heaven right? I mean they have original sin, but isn't there an age of accountability?
Matthew 19:14 - "but Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven." ESV

Psalms 98:8-9, "Let the rivers clap their hands; let the hills sing for joy together
before the LORD, for he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world with righteousness, and the peoples with equity
." ESV

Re: Aborted Fetuses?

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 7:03 am
by Kurieuo
Jorge wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:
Jorge wrote:They go straight to heaven right? I mean they have original sin, but isn't there an age of accountability?
By the same logic all the lives of Christians should be aborted too, yeah?
well, so they don't go to heaven? ...
I don't get your questions. Perhaps you could restate more clearly what you really want. By asking in the subject "Aborted Fetuses?" and then your post "They go straight to heaven right?" you are trying to make a more complicated connection between the two questions you are asking. In fact, you appear to be more making a statement rather than really seeking a response. Perhaps you should just come out and rephrase exactly what you are saying to make it more clear what you really want to try to get across?

I will simply state that what happens to the "little one" once killed is irrelevant to the status of the "little one", that is, whether they are a human life and so to be afforded the same human rights as the born, or whether they are something less than human and to have no rights.

Likewise, what happens to a one or two year old child once killed (whether or not they are accepted into God's kingdom) is irrelevant to whether they ought to be considered human and afforded full human rights, or something less.

Re: Aborted Fetuses?

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 7:31 pm
by Jorge
Kurieuo wrote:
Jorge wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:
Jorge wrote:They go straight to heaven right? I mean they have original sin, but isn't there an age of accountability?
By the same logic all the lives of Christians should be aborted too, yeah?
well, so they don't go to heaven? ...
I don't get your questions. Perhaps you could restate more clearly what you really want. By asking in the subject "Aborted Fetuses?" and then your post "They go straight to heaven right?" you are trying to make a more complicated connection between the two questions you are asking. In fact, you appear to be more making a statement rather than really seeking a response. Perhaps you should just come out and rephrase exactly what you are saying to make it more clear what you really want to try to get across?

I will simply state that what happens to the "little one" once killed is irrelevant to the status of the "little one", that is, whether they are a human life and so to be afforded the same human rights as the born, or whether they are something less than human and to have no rights.

Likewise, what happens to a one or two year old child once killed (whether or not they are accepted into God's kingdom) is irrelevant to whether they ought to be considered human and afforded full human rights, or something less.
The reason the thread is titled "Aborted Fetuses" was because I was going to ask a question about aborted fetuses, I should probably have changed the title to "A Question Aborted Fetuses".

And I'm not questioning the status of fetuses, I'm just asking if the "soul" of the fetus will go to heaven automatically or not according to what it says in the Bible.

Re: Aborted Fetuses?

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 8:24 pm
by B. W.
Jorge wrote:...The reason the thread is titled "Aborted Fetuses" was because I was going to ask a question about aborted fetuses, I should probably have changed the title to "A Question Aborted Fetuses".

And I'm not questioning the status of fetuses, I'm just asking if the "soul" of the fetus will go to heaven automatically or not according to what it says in the Bible.
My answer...

Matthew 19:14 - "but Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven." ESV

Psalms 98:8-9, "Let the rivers clap their hands; let the hills sing for joy together
before the LORD, for he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world with righteousness, and the peoples with equity
." ESV

One can read as is or debate but the bible says what it says...

Re: Aborted Fetuses?

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 3:46 am
by Marcosll
Not all people are born with kindness in their hearts.

I would imagine God would be the judge of that.

If you're an aborted fetus who was born with an evil heart maybe you miss your chance of redeeming yourself or maybe you're automatically redeemed who knows.

You can't extract more information from the bible than what's actually there.

Re: Aborted Fetuses?

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 2:50 pm
by jenna
Marcosll wrote:Not all people are born with kindness in their hearts.

I would imagine God would be the judge of that.

If you're an aborted fetus who was born with an evil heart maybe you miss your chance of redeeming yourself or maybe you're automatically redeemed who knows.

You can't extract more information from the bible than what's actually there.
Babies aren't born with evil hearts. Everything they learn is taught to them, either through their parents or by circumstances that happen to them.

Re: Aborted Fetuses?

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 6:05 pm
by Jorge
O.K. so the Bible clearly states that the souls of aborted fetuses will go straight to Heaven, correct?

Re: Aborted Fetuses?

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 7:28 pm
by cslewislover

If you go to this webpage, you'll get a great answer to your question:

* * *
This is from a website,

"The Age of Accountability
as Defined by God

Preceeding paragraphs have shown that God's Bible says children are not fully capable of distinguishing between good and evil (Deu 1.39, Isa 7.16).
Numbers 14.29 and Deuteronomy 1.39 establish the precedent that God will NOT hold children responsible when He brings judgment for sin.
What is a "child?" By inference from Numbers 14.29, a "child" is a person who is aged 19 or younger.
CONCLUSION: Only those persons age 20 and older are held accountable for sin. "

* * *
Another site provides that jews thought the age of accountability was 13 for boys and 12 for girls. That site is:

Re: Aborted Fetuses?

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 9:27 pm
by Kurieuo
Jorge wrote:O.K. so the Bible clearly states that the souls of aborted fetuses will go straight to Heaven, correct?
Where? I think Marcosll gave a good response to this: "You can't extract more information from the bible than what's actually there." At the end of the day Christian responses are diverse, but all would agree God will be just and fair.

It does comment on the unborn being as valuable as the born in Exodus 21:22-25 where a pregnant woman is hit and gives birth "prematurely". Penalties aside, this is very strong Scriptural support for showing the conceived yet unborn human life is just as valuable as a born human life within a Judaic-Christian understanding. As Gleason Archer, a professor of the Old Testament said:
  • “There is no ambiguity here, whatever. What is required is that if there should be an injury either to the mother or to her children, the injury shall be avenged by a like injury to the assailant. If it involves the life (nepes) of the premature baby, then the assailant shall pay for it with his life. There is no second-class status attached to the fetus under this rule; he is avenged just as if he were a normally delivered child or an older person: life for life. Or if the injury is less, but not serious enough to involve inflicting a like injury on the offender, then he may offer compensation in monetary damages...” (What Exodus 21:22 Says About Abortion)

Re: Aborted Fetuses?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 5:22 am
by Marcosll
"Babies aren't born with evil hearts. Everything they learn is taught to them, either through their parents or by circumstances that happen to them."

This is your opinion. Just that. Studies have shown that there is genetic predesposition to certain behevioural patterns. When a dolphin saves someone's life that was taught to the dolphin?

Remember, the bible states we have and do sin. If you count ancestrial sins it's even worse. If anything the bible states we are born with sin. A sinful babie who dies has no chance to redeem himself.

If you look at it more technically, you could say every human is born with a set of genetic traits that encourge some sinful behaviour.