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Re: Have you had any supernatural experiences?

Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 3:52 pm
by RickD
acb wrote:
I saw a demon get cast out of a woman one time and I noticed that demons really do tremble at the name of Jesus like the bible tells us.I saw it with my own eyes demons do tremble at the name of Jesus like the bible tells us.It went crazy when the name of Jesus was used compared to when his name was not brought up. So I know that demons really do tremble at the name of Jesus like the bible tells us.They really are very scared of Jesus Christ.It was just a normal church service too and not a big mega-church or anything like that although it was a week long tent revival put on by a small church.

That has fake written all over it! I betcha they put on such a great show that night, that the money was rolling in!

Lots of people "saw" a lady's limb grow, at a Benny Hinn "revival" too.

The only thing being revived at these revivals, is the bank accounts of the people running the show.

Re: Have you had any supernatural experiences?

Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 5:41 pm
by Kurieuo
I agree with Rick, and you should trust him Abe. There is nothing he seems stuck on more than charlatans. He's still wounded by the fact Cruz didn't become POTUS despite it being prophecied by some.

Re: Have you had any supernatural experiences?

Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 7:39 pm
by RickD
Kurieuo wrote:I agree with Rick, and you should trust him Abe. There is nothing he seems stuck on more than charlatans. He's still wounded by the fact Cruz didn't become POTUS despite it being prophecied by some.
Be gone, you Australian kangaroo demon, in Geezus nameuh!

Shammala hummula bummula*

*that's speaking Australian tongues.

Re: Have you had any supernatural experiences?

Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 7:57 pm
by thatkidakayoungguy
abelcainsbrother wrote:I saw a demon get cast out of a woman one time and I noticed that demons really do tremble at the name of Jesus like the bible tells us.I saw it with my own eyes demons do tremble at the name of Jesus like the bible tells us.It went crazy when the name of Jesus was used compared to when his name was not brought up. So I know that demons really do tremble at the name of Jesus like the bible tells us.They really are very scared of Jesus Christ.It was just a normal church service too and not a big mega-church or anything like that although it was a week long tent revival put on by a small church.

I have since learned that this is true in any country around the world even if you don't speak the language demons tremble at the name of Jesus Christ in any country around the world and regardless of the language they speak.It is a universal truth.Demons around the world know who Jesus Christ is.
Apparently sometimes they get angry too. Ik a guy on my bus who isn't really a Christian but knows if u go into a haunted house (he has , like once he got scratches and weird things) and read out of the bible or something similar they don't like it. They know they're screwed and that's why they hate anything related to Jesus. I also remember hearing something about Annebell the haunted doll once and how most people when they'd do something bad to it they would die later. Well, once a preacher went to the museum and threw the doll and told it isn't wasn't more powerful than Jesus and God. Later when he was driving he got into a wreck, but survived. He did say though that he could see the doll in the mirror, it was like God had allowed the bad spirit to come so far but not to kill him.
They really don't like Jesus, but are ultimately powerless against Him.

Re: Have you had any supernatural experiences?

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 8:31 am
by yorican67
I think i'd be terrified if I saw something like that. A pastor I knew told a story of how his cousin elevate off the floor being possessed. He said he was scarred and started praying. I don't doubt these stories, but I'm not comfortable accepting them either. I think I'd have to experience something similar to gain a better perspective.

Re: Have you had any supernatural experiences?

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 7:11 pm
by thatkidakayoungguy
yorican67 wrote:I think i'd be terrified if I saw something like that. A pastor I knew told a story of how his cousin elevate off the floor being possessed. He said he was scarred and started praying. I don't doubt these stories, but I'm not comfortable accepting them either. I think I'd have to experience something similar to gain a better perspective.
Trust me you don't want to, even if it turns out some experiences happened to be fear induced imaginations (I've had a few).
Also I noticed this appeared. ... tural.html\
Maybe Rich noticed this, anyone know?

Re: Have you had any supernatural experiences?

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 8:46 pm
by thatkidakayoungguy
Here's a thought provoker, why do y'all think is the reason God put eternity into our hearts?

Re: Have you had any supernatural experiences?

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 9:25 pm
by Nicki
thatkidakayoungguy wrote:Here's a thought provoker, why do y'all think is the reason God put eternity into our hearts?
So we would be mindful of where we're going to end up forever rather than just focusing on this life - that's my take.

Re: Have you had any supernatural experiences?

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 9:45 pm
by abelcainsbrother
yorican67 wrote:I think i'd be terrified if I saw something like that. A pastor I knew told a story of how his cousin elevate off the floor being possessed. He said he was scarred and started praying. I don't doubt these stories, but I'm not comfortable accepting them either. I think I'd have to experience something similar to gain a better perspective.
In some ways I think it is just one of them things you've got to see yourself.I used to like to listen to Bob Larson back when he had his Christian talk radio show and of course he use to talk about it.I just found it interesting but I had never seen it for myself until that night at that tent revival.It was eye-opening but at the same time it did really show off the power of Jesus even if it took awhile to cast the demon out.It would try to trick them at certian times making you think they had left but they would just keep on until it manifested again,then they would continue to cast it out in the name of Jesus.

It took awhile but it eventually was gone.I had never seen anything like it before so I watched closely mostly and when that Demon would manifest you could see it in her eyes and face.It controlled her body too when it was manifested but she'd be normal when it died down and it was like nothing happened to her and she would talk normal and they would talk to her and ask if she believed in Jesus,etc.They would tell her Jesus can set you free if you believe and ask if she believed,etc.

But they just kept on taking breaks at times just talking to her until they were ready to try again to see if it would manifest again and the demon spoke through her too and it was not her voice,it was hard to understand at times what it was saying but it was speaking through her in a demonic voice when it would manifest.I was only standing about 15 feet away so I got a good view of her.

Re: Have you had any supernatural experiences?

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 7:23 am
by thatkidakayoungguy
yorican67 wrote:I think i'd be terrified if I saw something like that. A pastor I knew told a story of how his cousin elevate off the floor being possessed. He said he was scarred and started praying. I don't doubt these stories, but I'm not comfortable accepting them either. I think I'd have to experience something similar to gain a better perspective.
Oh I thought u meant only demonic stuff, and not seeing the power of Jesus being displayed along side it.

Re: Have you had any supernatural experiences?

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 5:50 pm
by yorican67
abelcainsbrother wrote: In some ways I think it is just one of them things you've got to see yourself.I used to like to listen to Bob Larson back when he had his Christian talk radio show and of course he use to talk about it.I just found it interesting but I had never seen it for myself until that night at that tent revival.It was eye-opening but at the same time it did really show off the power of Jesus even if it took awhile to cast the demon out.It would try to trick them at certian times making you think they had left but they would just keep on until it manifested again,then they would continue to cast it out in the name of Jesus.

It took awhile but it eventually was gone.I had never seen anything like it before so I watched closely mostly and when that Demon would manifest you could see it in her eyes and face.It controlled her body too when it was manifested but she'd be normal when it died down and it was like nothing happened to her and she would talk normal and they would talk to her and ask if she believed in Jesus,etc.They would tell her Jesus can set you free if you believe and ask if she believed,etc.

But they just kept on taking breaks at times just talking to her until they were ready to try again to see if it would manifest again and the demon spoke through her too and it was not her voice,it was hard to understand at times what it was saying but it was speaking through her in a demonic voice when it would manifest.I was only standing about 15 feet away so I got a good view of her.
Ya know I believe in the demonic realm, but its hard for me to process these testimonies. It's scripture so I don't doubt it happens, non the less... I'm not looking forward to having a demonic experience.