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Re: Nature of Reality: A Challenge to Atheists

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 8:49 am
by Kurieuo
plouiswork wrote:Wow. Thank you and thank you again Kurieuo, both from making this thread and from having the patience to draw out the beliefs of those with wildly different views from your own. I've been trying to understand why so many people choose to believe in a God despite the lack of evidence and now I can see I've been hoodwinked into believing that this even supported the position of atheism in the first place!
Kurieuo wrote:You don't strike me as the nihilistic type to be posting on boards such as this, and claiming some things I've said are wrong (straw men) and that I've made mistaken generalisations.

Nonetheless, one needs a solution to the predicament of uncertainty. Otherwise they'll go insane in circular reasoning not believing A or ~A on anything, effectively become dysfunctional and a rambling mess. What can be logically proven won't get you certainty, for you must even first prove the logic that you use. But, what is logically most practical based on what appears most obvious, intuitive or probable will help you to be certain about many things. It's a resolution I had to come to myself.

If you're not going to embrace and concept of reality because you can't be logically prove 100% anything to do with reality, then while Nihilism a position you can take... I'm sure as you live your life that you nonetheless embrace some things as true. If not, then our discussion must come to an end for there's nothing really to discuss. This discussion perhaps isn't even happening.
This was the turning point for me. What do we really believe? Anyone can claim to not believe anything unless it's substantiated by empirical evidence, but there's evidence all throughout this thread to the contrary. I don't think I spotted a single honest atheist in this thread.

I still have more to learn before I know whether I am a Christian or not, but I am definitely a theist as of today. I apologize that I thus cannot answer to the challenge of this thread but I would be more than happy to try to clear things up if any atheists are confused about the points I've made here.
Wow, thank you for making my day... well, it's night here but still... :esmile:
It's a pleasure I've not had to meet someone so intellectually honest and open.

Re: those who resist a belief in God, they may appear dishonest but there is something more I detect going on.
Hindwinked is a good way of defining such. When you can see, you can see it in their responses so clearly -- they seriously cannot see.
Consider Amazing Grace, "was blind but now I see."

Only, I've never come across someone like you whose blinders just fell off short of them coming to Christ.
Perhaps you were truly seeking with an open heart, and God opened your eyes so you could at least see the truth of his existence?
Fair enough, you're not Christian, but I dare say if your belief changed so instantly that you'll be able to follow the rest of the trail.

Thanks again for sharing!

Re: Nature of Reality: A Challenge to Atheists

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 3:29 pm
by Kenny
Kenny wrote:I'm a bit confused about the points you've made here; why do you feel none of the Atheists here are honest?

plouiswork wrote:It has to do with the nature of honesty of which I am speaking. Atheists herein may well be emotionally honest, but I feel they are intellectually dishonest. Or perhaps it'd be better of me to say simply that they are generally calling themselves Atheists when they are in fact Agnostics.
I’ve got a feeling you have a misunderstanding as to what an atheist is vs what an agnostic is
plouiswork wrote:For each person that replied here, it seemed they made the assumption that the absence of evidence entails an evidence of absence.
I haven’t made that assumption; and I don’t recall any other atheist on this board making that assumption either.
plouiswork wrote:In other words "no evidence for God" (Agnosticism) is converted into the belief "evidence for no God" (Atheism). This shift generally goes unacknowledged, as "Atheists" claim they don't have a belief when in fact the true absence of belief is not Atheism but a type of Agnosticism.
Agnostic is not the absence of belief, Agnostic is the claim that the existence of God is UNKNOWABLE.

And Atheism is not defined as “evidence for no God”, evidence has nothing to do with it. Atheism is just a person who doesn’t BELIEVE in God.

In other words, Theism and Atheism is about what you believe, Agnostic is about what you know; a totally different subject.
plouiswork wrote:Illustrated another way,
evidence for God (Theism)
no evidence for God (Agnosticism)
evidence for no God (Atheism)
No, try it this way;
Belief in God (theism)
No belief in God (Atheism)
Impossible to know either way (Agnosticism)
plouiswork wrote:Both Theism and Atheism are necessarily claiming there is evidence to support their belief system.
No; whatever belief system an atheist might have has nothing to do with God because he doesn’t believe in God.
plouiswork wrote:Yet Atheists claim they have no belief system to defend. This isn't true: the only position that can be an absence of belief regarding the existence of God is the mere observation that there is no evidence for God. The moment one begins arguing for the existence of this or that, they are arguing from a belief system about God. Regardless of whether they continue to maintain this belief system, they must necessarily speak from such a position to begin critiquing any form of theism.
The fact that a person can present a hypothetical argument for discussions sake; about the existence of God does not mean they actually have a belief system about God
plouiswork wrote:Anyway, your confusion may have been simply because I wasn't very clear about how I believe Atheists here were being dishonest, so I'll stop here for now.
I believe your confusion about atheists being dishonest is due to your misunderstanding about what an Agnostic and an Atheist actually is.


Re: Nature of Reality: A Challenge to Atheists

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 5:42 pm
by RickD
Kenny wrote:
Kenny wrote:I'm a bit confused about the points you've made here; why do you feel none of the Atheists here are honest?

plouiswork wrote:It has to do with the nature of honesty of which I am speaking. Atheists herein may well be emotionally honest, but I feel they are intellectually dishonest. Or perhaps it'd be better of me to say simply that they are generally calling themselves Atheists when they are in fact Agnostics.
I’ve got a feeling you have a misunderstanding as to what an atheist is vs what an agnostic is
plouiswork wrote:For each person that replied here, it seemed they made the assumption that the absence of evidence entails an evidence of absence.
I haven’t made that assumption; and I don’t recall any other atheist on this board making that assumption either.
plouiswork wrote:In other words "no evidence for God" (Agnosticism) is converted into the belief "evidence for no God" (Atheism). This shift generally goes unacknowledged, as "Atheists" claim they don't have a belief when in fact the true absence of belief is not Atheism but a type of Agnosticism.
Agnostic is not the absence of belief, Agnostic is the claim that the existence of God is UNKNOWABLE.

And Atheism is not defined as “evidence for no God”, evidence has nothing to do with it. Atheism is just a person who doesn’t BELIEVE in God.

In other words, Theism and Atheism is about what you believe, Agnostic is about what you know; a totally different subject.
plouiswork wrote:Illustrated another way,
evidence for God (Theism)
no evidence for God (Agnosticism)
evidence for no God (Atheism)
No, try it this way;
Belief in God (theism)
No belief in God (Atheism)
Impossible to know either way (Agnosticism)
plouiswork wrote:Both Theism and Atheism are necessarily claiming there is evidence to support their belief system.
No; whatever belief system an atheist might have has nothing to do with God because he doesn’t believe in God.
plouiswork wrote:Yet Atheists claim they have no belief system to defend. This isn't true: the only position that can be an absence of belief regarding the existence of God is the mere observation that there is no evidence for God. The moment one begins arguing for the existence of this or that, they are arguing from a belief system about God. Regardless of whether they continue to maintain this belief system, they must necessarily speak from such a position to begin critiquing any form of theism.
The fact that a person can present a hypothetical argument for discussions sake; about the existence of God does not mean they actually have a belief system about God
plouiswork wrote:Anyway, your confusion may have been simply because I wasn't very clear about how I believe Atheists here were being dishonest, so I'll stop here for now.
I believe your confusion about atheists being dishonest is due to your misunderstanding about what an Agnostic and an Atheist actually is.


You are officially the most obtuse person I have ever known. Without a doubt.

You pick links, and only cherry pick the definition that suits your point, from your own link! While leaving out the parts that agree with what plouiswork said.

Either you are the most intellectually dishonest person alive, or are the most obtuse person alive.

Absolutely ridiculous.

Re: Nature of Reality: A Challenge to Atheists

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 6:19 pm
by Kurieuo
@Kenny, are you Atheist in any sense; I thought you don't like being called such, so what does it matter?
With all respect, I think you're confused (as well as many online debating Atheists) about what Atheism is.
Jac in this thread adequately deals with whether Atheism is a belief or position there.

@plouiswork, in addition to Jac's comments, I challenge whether Atheism defined as "no belief in God" is even logically sound by those using the title for themselves. You might also like to read another thread here. Ed made some initial push backs there, but after responding to them it seems there were no more challenges.

There is also another topic discussed there on how vastly different "belief in gods" versus "belief in God" is.
And yet, many Atheist-leaning people cry foul of Theists who write of Atheism as a more positive belief and assertion,
and then they quite freely love to talk about gods and God in the same breath (as though they're the same) to Christians.

Re: Nature of Reality: A Challenge to Atheists

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 8:51 pm
by Nessa
Kurieuo wrote:I'm all for questioning, digging, probing and trying to understand things as best as we reasonably can.

Christians are said to be ignorant by a growing secular majority. And yet, a stumbling block for me with Atheism--besides its pretense that it actually inspires enquiry--is that it wants to accept ignorance as a valid response to the underpinnings of reality. Oh, the irony. Atheists don't want to explore questions about the nature of reality at all, but just accept the world around us without questions. As someone who likes philosophising I find this extremely boring. And it literally sets up a worldview of reality that is based upon thin air. Just like "magic".

Consider the following questions:
  • Q: What caused the "big bang" that brought our universe (time, space, energy, matter) into existence?
    A: "The universe just is" or retort "who made God?"

    Q: How do you know what you experience is true?
    A: Because its obvious.

    Q: How do the physical laws hold together?
    A: Huh?

    Q: How is it possible for someone to come back from the dead?
    A: Dead people don't come back to life.
Ok, so I improvised on the responses and likely setup some strawmen. But, my experience in discussions with Atheists is that the typical response is to ignore questions about reality and just accept everything at face value. They don't like to dig and probe into questions, or consider how something might be possible. They hate metaphysical questions -- asking why questions about reality and thinking about possible answers.

For example, consider the movie The Matrix. Everyone in the "normal" world is hooked up to a machine and experiencing a type of virtual reality. The experiences are just as real as ours in life. And yet, people "could" potentially come back from the dead in this world, as long as the software is tweaked. People can perform what appears to be "magic" by zipping through the air -- suspending the "natural laws" which are really being largely maintained by a software program that runs the virtual world. Heck, Jesus Chris could actually even rise from the dead in such a world!

Yes, it's just a movie. But here is the thing. Who's to say that the life we experience isn't in some way similar--some form of Idealism. Perhaps the machine and software on which we're running is just God. And yet, the Atheist confidently asserts that it is impossible for someone to rise from the dead -- because dead people don't come back to life -- because they ignore any questions to do with the nature of reality while assuming to know how reality works!

Atheism presumes to know reality without giving it any foundation. The world just is. It just runs. It is stable. It is predictable. It's finely tuned for life? "Well, duh--we wouldn't be here otherwise!" We just are. What we hear, see, feel, taste and smell is a true representation of the world. It is just NATURAL. Dead people don't rise from the dead.

An Atheistic reality precludes any questions about how reality might be. There is no "more than meets the eye". Is this not a shallow worldview? A kind of "putting on the blinders" or "burying one's head in the sand"? Some deep-seated faith in ignorance? Let's not ask questions about how reality works and just accept what seems apparent, because to ponder such questions is what? Scarey? Would it burst your bubble?

Atheists are boring. They're predictable. They don't like to be wrong. And yet, their trust to only accept what can be known beyond a doubt as complete truth via our physical senses which would never lie to us except in someone delusional (nevermind the question that all of the reality we experience might be delusional) --- to the Atheist reading --- Come on! At least change and put some ideas on the table that discuss the nature of reality.

I'm all for at least trying, and getting things wrong and then learning and growing. Metaphysical questions are not pointless. They provide logical possibilities for why things are the way they are and how reality might function. At least with Christianity, Christians back a view of reality that is placed on the table to be scrutinised and picked apart. As a Christian I might be wrong, but at least I had the guts to back something.

An Atheist thinks its absurd to be skeptical of Atheism, and this just shows they don't like putting anything on the table. They refuse to answer any questions about the underpinnings of reality, and yet love taking the micky out of anyone elses beliefs. No wonder so many Atheists in online discussions seem so arrogant and confident -- they don't place anything on the table and criticise anyone who does whether Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddhism or the like. How easy is that!?

If you're an Atheist reading this and have been offended, then please, break out of your mould and ponder questions regarding the nature of reality. Put something on the table and stop criticising everyone else.
Micah - son - doesnt like to play games by the rules. He likes making up his own rules and making sure he wins everytime. Now my mum indulges him and plays with him anyway. But Caleb - other son - yells and carries on about how unfair it is. He's right. It is unfair. Everyone wants to play on a level playing feild and be honest while playing...well maybe except for certain five year olds...

But its just the way it is.
He can choose to play by micahs rules.....and if hes wise enough he will learn to be a bit cunning and work around the rules..... ;)

or he can just bow out gracefully.

But what is pointless is continuing to play and just complain bout it.

Re: Nature of Reality: A Challenge to Atheists

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 8:54 pm
by Kurieuo
So are you saying Atheists are like a bunch of 5 year olds? ;)
Perhaps Micah should be challenged to lift his game, rather than having Caleb drop his standards?

Re: Nature of Reality: A Challenge to Atheists

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 9:00 pm
by Nessa
Kurieuo wrote:So are you saying Atheists are 5 year olds? Perhaps Micah should be challenged.
Sorry, I thought you had the ability to read into an analogy a bit better than that. :P

In this instance, Micah is at home and has every right to play how he wants in this situation.

Of course in other instances he will be challenged but I wasnt using those instances in the analogy.

You cant always force someone to play by the rules

Re: Nature of Reality: A Challenge to Atheists

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 9:09 pm
by Nessa

Re: Nature of Reality: A Challenge to Atheists

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 10:03 pm
by Kenny
RickD wrote:
Kenny wrote:
Kenny wrote:I'm a bit confused about the points you've made here; why do you feel none of the Atheists here are honest?

plouiswork wrote:It has to do with the nature of honesty of which I am speaking. Atheists herein may well be emotionally honest, but I feel they are intellectually dishonest. Or perhaps it'd be better of me to say simply that they are generally calling themselves Atheists when they are in fact Agnostics.
I’ve got a feeling you have a misunderstanding as to what an atheist is vs what an agnostic is
plouiswork wrote:For each person that replied here, it seemed they made the assumption that the absence of evidence entails an evidence of absence.
I haven’t made that assumption; and I don’t recall any other atheist on this board making that assumption either.
plouiswork wrote:In other words "no evidence for God" (Agnosticism) is converted into the belief "evidence for no God" (Atheism). This shift generally goes unacknowledged, as "Atheists" claim they don't have a belief when in fact the true absence of belief is not Atheism but a type of Agnosticism.
Agnostic is not the absence of belief, Agnostic is the claim that the existence of God is UNKNOWABLE.

And Atheism is not defined as “evidence for no God”, evidence has nothing to do with it. Atheism is just a person who doesn’t BELIEVE in God.

In other words, Theism and Atheism is about what you believe, Agnostic is about what you know; a totally different subject.
plouiswork wrote:Illustrated another way,
evidence for God (Theism)
no evidence for God (Agnosticism)
evidence for no God (Atheism)
No, try it this way;
Belief in God (theism)
No belief in God (Atheism)
Impossible to know either way (Agnosticism)
plouiswork wrote:Both Theism and Atheism are necessarily claiming there is evidence to support their belief system.
No; whatever belief system an atheist might have has nothing to do with God because he doesn’t believe in God.
plouiswork wrote:Yet Atheists claim they have no belief system to defend. This isn't true: the only position that can be an absence of belief regarding the existence of God is the mere observation that there is no evidence for God. The moment one begins arguing for the existence of this or that, they are arguing from a belief system about God. Regardless of whether they continue to maintain this belief system, they must necessarily speak from such a position to begin critiquing any form of theism.
The fact that a person can present a hypothetical argument for discussions sake; about the existence of God does not mean they actually have a belief system about God
plouiswork wrote:Anyway, your confusion may have been simply because I wasn't very clear about how I believe Atheists here were being dishonest, so I'll stop here for now.
I believe your confusion about atheists being dishonest is due to your misunderstanding about what an Agnostic and an Atheist actually is.


You are officially the most obtuse person I have ever known. Without a doubt.

You pick links, and only cherry pick the definition that suits your point, from your own link! While leaving out the parts that agree with what plouiswork said.

Either you are the most intellectually dishonest person alive, or are the most obtuse person alive.

Absolutely ridiculous.
All you doing is spittin out a bunch of noise; you’ve said nothing here. If there were an ounce of merit to what you’ve said, you would have pointed out how I’ve cherry picked, misrepresented, or whatever it is you claim I’ve done. I stand by what I’ve said; if you disagree I challenge you to point out something I’ve said that was wrong.
Up to the challenge?


Re: Nature of Reality: A Challenge to Atheists

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 10:15 pm
by Nessa
Kenny wrote:
RickD wrote:
Kenny wrote:
Kenny wrote:I'm a bit confused about the points you've made here; why do you feel none of the Atheists here are honest?

plouiswork wrote:It has to do with the nature of honesty of which I am speaking. Atheists herein may well be emotionally honest, but I feel they are intellectually dishonest. Or perhaps it'd be better of me to say simply that they are generally calling themselves Atheists when they are in fact Agnostics.
I’ve got a feeling you have a misunderstanding as to what an atheist is vs what an agnostic is
plouiswork wrote:For each person that replied here, it seemed they made the assumption that the absence of evidence entails an evidence of absence.
I haven’t made that assumption; and I don’t recall any other atheist on this board making that assumption either.
plouiswork wrote:In other words "no evidence for God" (Agnosticism) is converted into the belief "evidence for no God" (Atheism). This shift generally goes unacknowledged, as "Atheists" claim they don't have a belief when in fact the true absence of belief is not Atheism but a type of Agnosticism.
Agnostic is not the absence of belief, Agnostic is the claim that the existence of God is UNKNOWABLE.

And Atheism is not defined as “evidence for no God”, evidence has nothing to do with it. Atheism is just a person who doesn’t BELIEVE in God.

In other words, Theism and Atheism is about what you believe, Agnostic is about what you know; a totally different subject.
plouiswork wrote:Illustrated another way,
evidence for God (Theism)
no evidence for God (Agnosticism)
evidence for no God (Atheism)
No, try it this way;
Belief in God (theism)
No belief in God (Atheism)
Impossible to know either way (Agnosticism)
plouiswork wrote:Both Theism and Atheism are necessarily claiming there is evidence to support their belief system.
No; whatever belief system an atheist might have has nothing to do with God because he doesn’t believe in God.
plouiswork wrote:Yet Atheists claim they have no belief system to defend. This isn't true: the only position that can be an absence of belief regarding the existence of God is the mere observation that there is no evidence for God. The moment one begins arguing for the existence of this or that, they are arguing from a belief system about God. Regardless of whether they continue to maintain this belief system, they must necessarily speak from such a position to begin critiquing any form of theism.
The fact that a person can present a hypothetical argument for discussions sake; about the existence of God does not mean they actually have a belief system about God
plouiswork wrote:Anyway, your confusion may have been simply because I wasn't very clear about how I believe Atheists here were being dishonest, so I'll stop here for now.
I believe your confusion about atheists being dishonest is due to your misunderstanding about what an Agnostic and an Atheist actually is.


You are officially the most obtuse person I have ever known. Without a doubt.

You pick links, and only cherry pick the definition that suits your point, from your own link! While leaving out the parts that agree with what plouiswork said.

Either you are the most intellectually dishonest person alive, or are the most obtuse person alive.

Absolutely ridiculous.
All you doing is spittin out a bunch of noise; you’ve said nothing here. If there were an ounce of merit to what you’ve said, you would have pointed out how I’ve cherry picked, misrepresented, or whatever it is you claim I’ve done. I stand by what I’ve said; if you disagree I challenge you to point out something I’ve said that was wrong.
Up to the challenge?

The challenge not working for you, kenny?

Re: Nature of Reality: A Challenge to Atheists

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 10:21 pm
by patrick
Kenny wrote:In other words, Theism and Atheism is about what you believe, Agnostic is about what you know; a totally different subject.
Would you agree with this then?

Gnostic Theist: evidence for God, therefore belief in God
Agnostic Theist: can't have evidence; I choose to believe in God
Agnostic Atheist: can't have evidence; I choose to not believe in God
Gnostic Atheist: evidence for no God, therefore belief in no God

Re: Nature of Reality: A Challenge to Atheists

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 10:21 pm
by Kenny
Kurieuo wrote: @Kenny, are you Atheist in any sense; I thought you don't like being called such, so what does it matter?
I am a skeptic who is also an atheist. Why does it matter? He said something I disagreed with; so I challenged him on it.
Kurieuo wrote: With all respect, I think you're confused (as well as many online debating Atheists) about what Atheism is.
What do you disagree with about the description I gave?
Kurieuo wrote: @plouiswork, in addition to Jac's comments, I challenge whether Atheism defined as "no belief in God" is even logically sound by those using the title for themselves.
There are a plethora of ways atheism is described; but what it boils down to is atheists don’t believe in God. The point I was making was his claim that an atheist must use evidence to conclude God’s non existence is wrong. So what have I said that you disagree with?


Re: Nature of Reality: A Challenge to Atheists

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 10:25 pm
by Kenny
Nessa wrote:
Kenny wrote:
RickD wrote:
Kenny wrote:
Kenny wrote:I'm a bit confused about the points you've made here; why do you feel none of the Atheists here are honest?

plouiswork wrote:It has to do with the nature of honesty of which I am speaking. Atheists herein may well be emotionally honest, but I feel they are intellectually dishonest. Or perhaps it'd be better of me to say simply that they are generally calling themselves Atheists when they are in fact Agnostics.
I’ve got a feeling you have a misunderstanding as to what an atheist is vs what an agnostic is
plouiswork wrote:For each person that replied here, it seemed they made the assumption that the absence of evidence entails an evidence of absence.
I haven’t made that assumption; and I don’t recall any other atheist on this board making that assumption either.
plouiswork wrote:In other words "no evidence for God" (Agnosticism) is converted into the belief "evidence for no God" (Atheism). This shift generally goes unacknowledged, as "Atheists" claim they don't have a belief when in fact the true absence of belief is not Atheism but a type of Agnosticism.
Agnostic is not the absence of belief, Agnostic is the claim that the existence of God is UNKNOWABLE.

And Atheism is not defined as “evidence for no God”, evidence has nothing to do with it. Atheism is just a person who doesn’t BELIEVE in God.

In other words, Theism and Atheism is about what you believe, Agnostic is about what you know; a totally different subject.
plouiswork wrote:Illustrated another way,
evidence for God (Theism)
no evidence for God (Agnosticism)
evidence for no God (Atheism)
No, try it this way;
Belief in God (theism)
No belief in God (Atheism)
Impossible to know either way (Agnosticism)
plouiswork wrote:Both Theism and Atheism are necessarily claiming there is evidence to support their belief system.
No; whatever belief system an atheist might have has nothing to do with God because he doesn’t believe in God.
plouiswork wrote:Yet Atheists claim they have no belief system to defend. This isn't true: the only position that can be an absence of belief regarding the existence of God is the mere observation that there is no evidence for God. The moment one begins arguing for the existence of this or that, they are arguing from a belief system about God. Regardless of whether they continue to maintain this belief system, they must necessarily speak from such a position to begin critiquing any form of theism.
The fact that a person can present a hypothetical argument for discussions sake; about the existence of God does not mean they actually have a belief system about God
plouiswork wrote:Anyway, your confusion may have been simply because I wasn't very clear about how I believe Atheists here were being dishonest, so I'll stop here for now.
I believe your confusion about atheists being dishonest is due to your misunderstanding about what an Agnostic and an Atheist actually is.


You are officially the most obtuse person I have ever known. Without a doubt.

You pick links, and only cherry pick the definition that suits your point, from your own link! While leaving out the parts that agree with what plouiswork said.

Either you are the most intellectually dishonest person alive, or are the most obtuse person alive.

Absolutely ridiculous.
All you doing is spittin out a bunch of noise; you’ve said nothing here. If there were an ounce of merit to what you’ve said, you would have pointed out how I’ve cherry picked, misrepresented, or whatever it is you claim I’ve done. I stand by what I’ve said; if you disagree I challenge you to point out something I’ve said that was wrong.
Up to the challenge?

The challenge not working for you, kenny?
Actually the challenge is working quite well


Re: Nature of Reality: A Challenge to Atheists

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 10:36 pm
by Kenny
plouiswork wrote:
Kenny wrote:In other words, Theism and Atheism is about what you believe, Agnostic is about what you know; a totally different subject.
Would you agree with this then?

Gnostic Theist: evidence for God, therefore belief in God
Agnostic Theist: can't have evidence; I choose to believe in God
Agnostic Atheist: can't have evidence; I choose to not believe in God
Gnostic Atheist: evidence for no God, therefore belief in no God
I would say evidence could be a factor but is not a required factor. I prefer this:

Gnostic Theist:
A person who KNOWS God exist. Weather this knowledge is based upon evidence, or something else is irrelevant; the point is he has no doubt about God’s existence

Agnostic Theist:
A person who BELIEVES God exist, but admits to the possibility that he could be wrong. Weather this lack of knowledge is based upon lack of evidence or something else is irrelevant; the point is he only believes; he doesn’t know.

Agnostic Atheist
A person who Believes God doesn’t exist, but admits to the possibility that he could be wrong thus he doesn’t know. Weather this lack of knowledge is based upon lack of evidence or something else is irrelevant; the point is he only believes; he doesn’t know.

Gnostic Atheist:
A person who KNOWS God doesn’t exist. Weather this knowledge is based upon evidence or something else is irrelevant; the point is he has no doubt that God doesn't exist.

Do you agree? If not tell me where I'm going wrong.


Re: Nature of Reality: A Challenge to Atheists

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 11:10 pm
by patrick
Kenny wrote:
plouiswork wrote:
Kenny wrote:In other words, Theism and Atheism is about what you believe, Agnostic is about what you know; a totally different subject.
Would you agree with this then?

Gnostic Theist: evidence for God, therefore belief in God
Agnostic Theist: can't have evidence; I choose to believe in God
Agnostic Atheist: can't have evidence; I choose to not believe in God
Gnostic Atheist: evidence for no God, therefore belief in no God
I would say evidence could be a factor but is not a required factor. I prefer this:

Gnostic Theist:
A person who KNOWS God exist. Weather this knowledge is based upon evidence, or something else is irrelevant; the point is he has no doubt about God’s existence

Agnostic Theist:
A person who BELIEVES God exist, but admits to the possibility that he could be wrong. Weather this lack of knowledge is based upon lack of evidence or something else is irrelevant; the point is he only believes; he doesn’t know.

Agnostic Atheist
A person who Believes God doesn’t exist, but admits to the possibility that he could be wrong thus he doesn’t know. Weather this lack of knowledge is based upon lack of evidence or something else is irrelevant; the point is he only believes; he doesn’t know.

Gnostic Atheist:
A person who KNOWS God doesn’t exist. Weather this knowledge is based upon evidence or something else is irrelevant; the point is he has no doubt that God doesn't exist.

Do you agree? If not tell me where I'm going wrong.

I think I understand better why you disagreed before then. I admit to not having looked up the terms in a while, so let's go with this for now. It would seem you see yourself as an Agnostic Atheist who is arguing against Gnostic Theists. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

From there, the problem you see is that Gnostic Theists are making a claim which they must defend (which is relevant to you because of its implications on morality) but you are at a disadvantage because you don't know regarding this subject. Thus to be fair, the burden of proof lies with the Gnostic Theists, but your beliefs are irrelevant because you claim no such knowledge. Again, please correct me if I'm wrong.

If you think something else is more relevant here, please bring that up too.