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Re: death threats from liberals over pro-life bill

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 10:29 am
by B. W.
'Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.'
George Santayana
On to another matter. I certainly have no idea if Ivanka's clothing and merchandise is quality or junk and stores have a right to discard faulty products... but... several major stores no longer sell her stuff and there is an active campaign out to motivate retailers to comply...

Report: T.J. Maxx Tells Employees to Discard Ivanka Merchandise Signs

Still some companies do continue to sell the line...

26 retailers that still sell Ivanka Trump's fashion brand despite boycotts

However such boycotts are not new...but something is wrong about this one, a boycott of an empowered woman clothing and merchandise by feminist and leftist who extol virtue of such women is odd...

George Santayana's saying quoted above reminds me of events throughout history.

Sadly we have become so politically correct that we cannot label modern day versions of Brown Shirted thugs without being labeled and discarded...mocked into submission...
'Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.'
George Santayana

Re: death threats from liberals over pro-life bill

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 5:42 pm
by Jac3510
How is that not something conservatives would support, B.W.? I'm assuming by your tone that you don't approve of the action, even as you acknowledge that they have the right to do so. Starting and ending your post by ominously quoting Santayana and then adding another Nazi reference certainly doesn't sound like a ringing endorsement.

Look, corporations are collections of human beings, and human beings should be relatively free from government intervention regarding their speech and with whom they wish to conduct business, right? If so, should private companies be forced to sell the products of a person who directly or indirectly supports political and related positions that they themselves do not support? Suppose you owned a store selling t-shirts, and suppose you only had the rack space to for a few hundred shirts at a time. Would you choose to sell the shirts of a company that is using a portion of its profits to fund abortions if you alternative merchandise to sell? I sure as heck wouldn't.

To be clear, I don't have a problem with outlets of any stripe, be it conservative or liberal, calling for people to boycott or patronize TJ Maxx or any other company based on the stance they have taken towards Trump. I don't even have a problem with Conway telling people to go buy Ivanka's products. That's all people making a big ado about nothing. But I'm a bit concerned with the way people are portraying these companies as if they are trying to silence conservatives and making Nazi comparisons. That's just wrong. We should be promoting free speech and people's right to the free association of commerce in accordance with their own values. In other words, as one who tends to be pretty conservative on most issues, I rather literally celebrate TJ Maxx's decision. It's good that there are companies willing to take their stance, or who at least are willing to let people know what their stance is. I made it a point to go to Chick-Fil-A quite a few times last year after all the political garbage over their owner's position on gay marriage. I bought several things from Hobby Lobby. I probably won't be buying anything from TJ Maxx due to their position. But that's just a matter of me, as voter, voting with my wallet. I'm not going to make brown shirt references in the process. That is actually the kind of rhetoric that leads to politically correct censorship.

tl;dr - please, for the love of all that is good and righteous and holy, stop with the world-ending-liberals-are-nazi's nonsense.