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Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 8:20 pm
by BGoodForGoodSake
beckyandretti wrote:
Mystical wrote:I think I side with the other non-spankers. I could never hit a little kid.
Mystical, I think you mistake us (the spankers) as being someone that just enjoys hitting children. My children would be the first to tell you there have been times when they deserved to be spanked. But they also had plenty of warning each time before they were spanked as well. My children grew up getting warnings first in english, then in spanish, then it would go to german. (lol my youngest is reading this as I type and she said then german.. then oh no! and yes she is laughing) She is 12 and a very happy member of society.. not abused or mishandled as some people would like to say children turn out like when they are spanked. Spanking is not HITTING to hurt them, it is to make them aware (yes you can tell them what can happen but really... running out in front of oncoming cars tends to be more fatal than a swat on the butt) I also didn't spank in anger, that is another thing that the non-spankers seem to think is happening.. yes I am fully aware of that happening in other families but what happens in some DOES NOT happen in all. Its like saying that all religious people are zealots because some of them tend to be. Please before you decide that all the parents that have spanked their children need to be locked up... pay attention to what you do to your own children. And if you don't have children, while you are entitled to your opinion, when you have children remember to live by the decisions you are trying to force on others.
I think you sound like a wonderful Mother.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 9:53 pm
by Jac3510
Ok, I have to get in on this, because it's something I have strong feelings on. Look, forget spanking . . . THIS is the best way to discipline!

Hehe, no . . . actually, I support spanking.

God bless :)

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 12:33 pm
by Mystical

No hard feelings. But, I also do not think you are right. Nor do I believe a kid ever "deserves" to be hit. When God returns He will clear it up. From what I've read here, however, I believe He has already made it clear.

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 1:07 pm
by bizzt
Mystical wrote:becky:

No hard feelings. But, I also do not think you are right. Nor do I believe a kid ever "deserves" to be hit. When God returns He will clear it up. From what I've read here, however, I believe He has already made it clear.
Can you Explain what you mean by "hit"?

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 6:13 pm
by Mystical
Sure, I use the same definition as most everyone else (excluding those who wish to modify the definition to quell their conscience):

hit--to deliver (as a blow) by action; to strike a blow
strike--to aim and usually deliver a blow, stroke, or thrust (as with the hand, a weapon, or a tool)
spank--to strike esp. on the buttocks with the open hand

PS's short article was very clear: ... ldren3.htm