WHY and HOW math theorems and concepts point to a Creator God!

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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WHY and HOW math theorems and concepts point to a Creator God!

Post by Philip »


While Einstein did not believe in the personal God / Jesus of the Bible, he most certainly believed an intelligent mind had to be behind the universe, precisely because of it's stunning designs, functionalities, and tremendous predictability. It's why, in 1945, he wrote a letter referencing the phrase he had already made famous: "God does not play dice with the universe." And, in that letter, he also wrote: "God tirelessly plays dice under laws which he has himself prescribed."

Have you ever considered, what are the odds that, of the vast millions of lifeforms and creatures to ever inhabit the earth, that there exists only ONE of them that stands alone in intellect, reasoning ability, and abstract and psychological thinking, that has a sense of moral understandings, and an almost universal desire to worship and believe in some gods or God? There is no other creature that has man's astonishing abilities, to create amazing artistic masterpieces, including incredible musical compositions and wonderful instruments to render them, to build tools and things of astounding engineering designs and functionalities! We've rockets and telescopes into space, men to the moon, and viewed the ancient universe! We've even managed to perfectly replicate the past in sound and image. Clearly, man is unique and stands above ALL of the beasts.

Now, ponder again, the odds that mankind's best thinkers, mathematicians, physicists, and theorists would eventually develop scientific reasoning, higher concepts, tools, and higher reasonings that would also accurately mirror, explain and reveal the astonishing fine-tunings and operational functionalities of the universe, from the sub-atomic to the microscopic to astrophysics. HOW and WHY is it that man's most brilliant ideas, mathematical concepts, tools, and creations just happen to perfectly reflect how the universe is actually wired and functions - not to mention that it operates collectively together, like the most precise atomic clock - in perfect sync and predictability (as opposed to pure chaos)? Why does the scientific method even WORK, to begin with, if not designed by the great mind of our Creator? It's because God designed the universe to operate with breath-taking fine-tunings and mathematically razor-thin constants!

See how mathematics and physics reveals God, and that an unbelievable mind of great power has created this amazing universe!

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