Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by B. W. »

Blessed wrote:Bryan equates Aliens with Demons. But the universe is too big for E.T.'s not to exist. It's impossible Earth is the only planet with intelligent life. One Hubble space telescope episode proves this.
The laws of Physics prevent space travel due to the following reasons:

Amount of Energy needed to just go 1/4 speed of light is beyond the belief just to get from nearest star system to ours and then at least quadruple it for a round trip - look up the energy need for this for a ship traveling the speed of light and see for yourself. The small ships seen as UFO's would have t defy the laws of Physics concerning the emery requires to travel.

Of course folks will say, this is new alien propulsion methods but even that defies the laws of Physics concerning hitting a dust sized particale at that speed would blow parts of the ship apart. A pea size debris hitting a ship would, well, create an explosion the size of a large Nuclear detonation. Even with force fields etc you would require more energy to maintain those for years and years of multiplied years to travel.

The laws of physic which we measure hold the entire universe together elsewhere too. The stuff of science fiction about space travel warp drives, worm hole travel, etc all defy the laws of physics.

Is there life out there somewhere else in the universe? Yes, it is possible God created life elsewhere but to travel from star to star is simply impossible.

Now, spiritual beings who live in a different plane than we do - is a different matter. Fallen angels are not demons and demon are not fallen angels according to the ancient Jewish traditions and writings on this matter. Demons according to these sources came from the Nephlim and mixed human/animal species made by the Watcher - fallen angels to reflect their character and nature. These hybrid species became demons after being wiped out due to the flood. Some roam the earth according to the Jewish traditions and writings on this matter.

One fallen angel named Azazel was sentenced forever to reside in the abyss of the deepest hell. Two hundred others who are identified as captains of the host of these fallen angels were sentenced to reside in hell for around 70 generations and then released for a bit for the final showdown between Satan and his minions just as the bible speaks about and gives reasons for.

In the meantime, those fallen angels not sentenced are still around which Paul mentions in Eph 6:12 and they influence humanity. Both demons and the fallen angels are considered demonic in their respective natures bit are not the same.

As Jesus said in Luke 17:26, "Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man."

2 Peter 2:2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 also helps shed light on this subject and notice the wording.

2 Peter 2:4 For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them in chains of darkness to be held for judgment;
Quoted from from book of First Enoch at this link

1 Enoch 12:5,7 Then the Lord said to me: Enoch, scribe of righteousness, go tell the Watchers of heaven, who have deserted the lofty sky, and their holy everlasting station, who have been polluted with women.6And have done as the sons of men do, by taking to themselves wives, and who have been greatly corrupted on the earth... 7 That on the earth they shall never obtain peace and remission of sin. For they shall not rejoice in their offspring; they shall behold the slaughter of their beloved; shall lament for the destruction of their sons; and shall petition forever; but shall not obtain mercy and peace.

CHAPTER 14:1,3,4,5

1. The book of the words of righteousness, and of the reprimand of the eternal Watchers in accordance with the command of the Holy Great One in that vision...

...3 the power of understanding the word of wisdom, so hath He created me also and given me the power of reprimanding the Watchers, the children of heaven. 4. I wrote out your petition, and in my vision it appeared thus, that your petition will not be granted unto you throughout all the days of eternity, and that judgement has been finally passed upon you: yea (your petition) will not be granted unto you.

...5 And from henceforth you shall not ascend into heaven unto all eternity, and ⌈in bonds⌉ of the earth the decree has gone forth to bind you for all the days of the world. 6. And (that) previously you shall have seen the destruction of your beloved sons and ye shall have no pleasure in them, but they shall fall before you by the sword.

Chapter 15:2-11

2. And go, say to the Watchers of heaven, who have sent thee to intercede for them: "You should intercede" for men, and not men for you: 3. Wherefore have ye left the high, holy, and eternal heaven, and lain with women, and defiled yourselves with the daughters of men and taken to yourselves wives, and done like the children of earth, and begotten giants (as your) sons? 4. And though ye were holy, spiritual, living the eternal life, you have defiled yourselves with the blood of women, and have begotten (children) with the blood of flesh, and, as the children of men, have lusted after flesh and blood as those ⌈also⌉ do who die and perish...

...6. But you formerly spiritual (Better translation reads -- but you from the beginning were made spiritual), living the eternal life, and immortal for all generations of the world. 7. And therefore I have not appointed wives for you; for as for the spiritual ones of the heaven, in heaven is their dwelling.

..8 And now, the giants, who are produced from the spirits and flesh, shall be called evil spirits upon the earth, and on the earth shall be their dwelling. 9. Evil spirits have proceeded from their bodies; because they are born from men, and from the holy Watchers is their beginning and primal origin; they shall be evil spirits on earth, and evil spirits shall they be called. 10. As for the spirits of heaven, in heaven shall be their dwelling, but as for the spirits of the earth which were born upon the earth, on the earth shall be their dwelling.

...11 And the spirits of the giants afflict, oppress, destroy, attack, do battle, and work destruction on the earth, and cause trouble: they take no food, but nevertheless hunger and thirst, and cause offences. And these spirits shall rise up against the children of men and against the women, because they have proceeded from them...

CHAPTER 20:1-4

1 From the days of the slaughter and destruction and death of the giants, from the souls of whose flesh the spirits, having gone forth, shall destroy without incurring judgement--thus shall they destroy until the day of the consummation, the great judgement in which the age shall be consummated, over the Watchers and the godless, yea, shall be wholly consummated."

2 And now as to the Watchers who have sent thee to intercede for them, who had been aforetime in heaven, say to them: "You have been in heaven, but ⌈all⌉ the mysteries had not yet been revealed to you, and you knew worthless ones, and these in the hardness of your hearts you have made known to the women, and through these mysteries women and men work much evil on earth." 4. Say to them therefore: "You have no peace."'
In Enoch we see a narrative that the fallen angels inhabit the atmosphere around the earth, some reside in the current hell, and the nephlim spirits roam the earth and he too.

These are not space aliens here to enlighten humanity to greater good but rather as in the days of Noah, they are inspring humanity to mix and splice DNA, develop AI and transhumanism. This is not a joke. Our scientific journals write and record the latest discoveries of DNA CRISPER and splicing and developed of robotics and AI.

So when Jesus says - as it was in the days of Noah - these are some of the indicators to look for. Daniel mentions in Daniel chapter 12 that knowledge will increase...

When we pass off this sort of thing in churches as myth - don't worry about it - sethite or human Leader just take it by faith - nothing to see move on - we do a great disservice for the body of Christ.

What would happen if the Fallen Angels appeared as ET's ? Or new Hybrid Humans developed? Or the AI becomes more frightening than it is now as it writes its own programming?

What are you going to tell new believers about this? How will they be able to stand against the seduction and deception of the end times.

My wife mentions how women feel a bit crampy, felling not quite right, just before labor pains begin. I think we are in the crampy phase...
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(by B. W. Melvin)

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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by B. W. »

claysmithr wrote:Blessed, while this world has been cursed by God and demon powers... it's still not Hell.

God will make things right for them. They will be re-united with their dead children in Heaven, and be greatly rewarded for keeping their faith through difficult trials.

Evil is a problem, and God's plan is to send evil to Hell for eternity!
Blessed, to add to the Clay's post above, Jesus warned us that in this life their will be troubles...

A man who has stage 4 cancer mentioned that he could not imagine going through what he is going through right now without Jesus...

He is undergoing treatment and all the emotions and inner conflicts. Think about that for a bit... and then read 2 Co 1:3,4
Science is man's invention - creation is God's
(by B. W. Melvin)

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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by Storyteller »


I have survived rape, lost four babies, survived domestic violence, got through seven years of severe clinical depression. i have felt worthless, unloved, neglected.
I have questioned why God put me through this, then i realised it was Him that got me through it.

We were the ones that turned our backs, walked away.

He waits, patiently, ready to welcome us back.

God doesnt make us suffer, we make ourselves suffer.
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by Philip »

Truth is, we don't and can't know if God created other lifeforms in this vast universe. If, as I suspect, supposed alien sightings and abductions are undoubtedly demonic, with the rest of it a bunch of bunk (per the physics stuff, like B.W. references). But God MIGHT have put other lifeforms so far away from us that either we'll never encounter them, or they are not beings like us - are more like slugs and worms or such. The idea that alien life would be much like us comes from many who are convinced of evolution or its sometimes asserted "inevitability" of it likely having happened all over the universe. Also, we now have millions of people who have been influenced by 100 years or so of science fiction writing, books, and now movies, etc.

But God might have put other life forms where there is no need for us to know about them, from a Scriptural point. He may have created other physical life forms that no longer exist. Same with whatever worlds, dimensions or other realities - as God is a always-creative Being, and eternal, we have no idea what he's created before, that may or may not still exist. THIS time may have been preceded by many others, or other realities. It's also quite possible that we are the only living beings like ourselves in the entire universe. We have no idea. Scripture undoubtedly leaves many mysteries, while including many things per a "need to know'" basis - and what we DON'T necessarily need to know, God hasn't revealed it. Just like the questions we all have about the beginning of life and mankind - we don't have a lot of questions answered - not now, anyway.
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by Blessed »

Storyteller wrote:Blessed...

I have survived rape, lost four babies, survived domestic violence, got through seven years of severe clinical depression. i have felt worthless, unloved, neglected.
I have questioned why God put me through this, then i realised it was Him that got me through it.

We were the ones that turned our backs, walked away.

He waits, patiently, ready to welcome us back.

God doesnt make us suffer, we make ourselves suffer.
Why did you experience these things and how were you able to summon the strength required not turn to evil by blaming God in rebellion, then constantly justifying yourself for it.

I've constantly quarreled and "brought suit" in my head with God. I've not experienced 1/10000th of what you just described. How are you able to avoid this? Just by praying and trusting in God no matter what happens and accepting there is some unknown reason for this?
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by neo-x »

Blessed wrote:
Storyteller wrote:Blessed...

I have survived rape, lost four babies, survived domestic violence, got through seven years of severe clinical depression. i have felt worthless, unloved, neglected.
I have questioned why God put me through this, then i realised it was Him that got me through it.

We were the ones that turned our backs, walked away.

He waits, patiently, ready to welcome us back.

God doesnt make us suffer, we make ourselves suffer.
Why did you experience these things and how were you able to summon the strength required not turn to evil by blaming God in rebellion, then constantly justifying yourself for it.

I've constantly quarreled and "brought suit" in my head with God. I've not experienced 1/10000th of what you just described. How are you able to avoid this? Just by praying and trusting in God no matter what happens and accepting there is some unknown reason for this?
ST will obviously reply but I wanted to say that to think that whatever has happened to you is simply how God willed it, is wrong. God doesn't let us suffer because he wants to test us or tempt us with sin. This is how the world behaves because you build things, things can fall down on you, take churches that fell down on the worshippers or cars that result in an accident. There are certain ground realities with which everything is governed and add to it the prospect of free will and you have endless possibilities of what can happen.

God is love and he is righteousness, that means there is no evil in him, whatsoever. He can't be. We can pray to God and ask him to guide us and be with us but I don't believe that we should expect something that is simply not realistic. For instance that no harm can ever come to us or nothing bad will ever happen to us. The rules of this world simply don't allow such scenarios.

I have bought such suites in my head as well and when I was a bit younger I used to quarrel with God about all the wrongs I had seen in my life. But I realised, quite late actually, that I am looking at it the wrong way. God is not someone who'd have me molested purposely and then also demand that I remain peaceful and thankful to him because I have to. To cry out is human nature, and as Lewis once put it, "God loves our questions and reasons, and holds our hands while we do it".

It liberated me because I was able to see God as he is, that is Love. And to be with him and trust him is the only thing that will ever bring you lasting peace. To know that this world is broken and there are bound to be some wounds here and there and one day God will fix it - That Christ died to fix it, is relieving in contrast to the constant doubt of a ever-controlling God who causes and reacts to everything that happened to you and leaves you wondering why something happened to you while God was "with you".

To love God in a world full of pain and suffering is difficult, but it's easier for those to understand who love him.
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the Thing on the ice got them tonight.

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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by Storyteller »

Blessed wrote:
Storyteller wrote:Blessed...

I have survived rape, lost four babies, survived domestic violence, got through seven years of severe clinical depression. i have felt worthless, unloved, neglected.
I have questioned why God put me through this, then i realised it was Him that got me through it.

We were the ones that turned our backs, walked away.

He waits, patiently, ready to welcome us back.

God doesnt make us suffer, we make ourselves suffer.
Why did you experience these things and how were you able to summon the strength required not turn to evil by blaming God in rebellion, then constantly justifying yourself for it.

I've constantly quarreled and "brought suit" in my head with God. I've not experienced 1/10000th of what you just described. How are you able to avoid this? Just by praying and trusting in God no matter what happens and accepting there is some unknown reason for this?
Everything I have experienced has shaped who I am today. There is nothing I would change about my life, or what I have experienced. Why have I experienced them? Because I am alive.
I didnt, and dont, need strength not to turn to evil because I am grateful that I was created to experience life. Life is a precious gift. Sure, there are times when i question, times when I get angry, wail at the injustice of it all but those moments are breif because I am here, alive.

I have complete faith in God. i trust Him. He doesnt promise there will be no pain, or challenges, or heartbreak (not in this life anyway) but He does promise to stay with me.

Yes, I pray, and trust in God.

He has never left me, not once.

There is nothing that I could experience that He hasn't. He knows sorrow, pain and greif, of such magnitude I can't comprehend yet still offers hope, grace and love.
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by claysmithr »

Just wanted to say Thanks for the Kindle Version! :) I requested it a while ago but I can't be the ONLY one who wanted it :)
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by YeshuaWisdom »

"To be honest a big part of me does want this to have been just an hallucination - or a vivid nightmare brought on by the Cholera infected water that Brian drank and not a NDE as I have many friends and family who are not Christian who will share the fate of some of the people in that place."

I think that when it comes to whether or not you want to accept the details given in the book, we all have to at least agree that even the details given in the book do not compare to actually being there. With all due respect to Mr. Melvin and his phenomenal book, I believe even he would agree that his attempt to describe every emotion and depth of experience fall very short of the reality. That being said, if this book were just a hallucination, then the real thing is far far far worse than what any of us can possibly imagine.

As for the responses given by God (or an angel), I have to say that they were given in a very cryptic way, but are still adequate in my mind in light of God nature and character. Themes such as all knowing and all powerful and all good carry more weight than most people really want to consider. I think Mr. Melvin attempt to explain what he saw and experienced was still insufficient to fully explain. But that is why the answers were given in the form of riddles. The answers to lifes question are not simply answered in a yes and no format. The answers to questions of the human condition can only be found in the person of Christ who shared in our humanity. I honestly believe that the only reason any of us would want to disregard the things written in a book like this and desire to relegate it to mere hallucination is nothing more than an attempt to rationalize a reason for hell to NOT exist. I mean think about. Why would we even try to think about hell that way. If hell is anything less than what Mr. Melvin's vision entailed, then we can probably say that what ever we think of heaven can't be as good either. In reality, heaven is much better than what any of us can imagine, and hell is much worse than any of us can describe.

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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by NateHaynes »

B. W. wrote: Wed Nov 16, 2011 10:12 pm
Proinsias wrote:I've read the book twice, it was a good read. I will always treasure the book, and will only loan it to people of such high calibre as Danny, my wife, a lifelong friend and hopefully others in the future.

If I'm being honest, which I always try to be often at the expense of clarity, it strikes me as someone who had a grounding in Christianity as the main religious input in life and then had a profound spiritual experience. I do wonder if you had spent your teen years arguing and revolting against Islam or Krisna that your experience may have been rather different. To what degree did the divine provide the experience and to what degree did your ideas of the divine influence the experience.
Thanks Pros and Danny,

I currently have a mild fever and a bad cold so I'll try to answer as best I can. There were parts of the book that were edited out either by myself or another editor. One such section, I edited out and rephrased it a bit that answers this. I was an atheist who grew up in a Christian family. I do not think such upbringing had any influence in what I saw during the NDE.

The part of the book I self edited out shares how various people from other religions arrive and greeted by their religious figures, such as Buddha, or numerous Hindu gods, krishna, pagan gods or goddesses, friends, family. These figures were not known to me until after I fully researched many years later on how each figure is depicted. I did see demonic beings give the illusion of these beings to those arriving. So in a way, one’s religious background may serve as a back drop in uncovering the real person’s sin nature to themselves, etc…

I also saw people resuscitated back to mortal life, leaving hell before realizing they were there and report back that all is well or a works based salvation system. I left that part out as it was rather difficult to explain seeing this go about.

I do not think my experience would have been different if I grew up Muslim or Hindu because I was allowed to stay beyond and see what I saw. I also did not know the bible either, only a few minor parts that atheist stereotypical use against Christians to entrap them. Growing up in a Christian home does not teach you things about parts of hell as a pit round about, or levels, or as having chambers. If I had grown up in another faith, the only thing that would help me uncover what happened would be found the bible,, not other religious writings.

I can’t recall the guys name but there was a Muslim man who had a NDE and it converted him to Christ Jesus because he saw who Jesus is. When you see the real Jesus – you do know who you meet and it changes you despite your background. Paul encounter the Lord on the Road and it changed his life’s course. Though not a NDE, it went against his religious background and upbringing nevertheless.

Any ways – need to rest up. Have a blest day!

Hey B.W.

Does this mean if someone is greeted or sees Jesus in their NDE, it can be a demon posing as a religious figure as wel?
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by Philip »

NateHaynes wrote: Sun Aug 13, 2023 8:32 am
Hey B.W.

Does this mean if someone is greeted or sees Jesus in their NDE, it can be a demon posing as a religious figure as wel?
Hello, Nate, and welcome to the forum!

While B.W. hasn't been on the forum in quite some time, perhaps he'll answer your question. I hope he does. B.W. brought many great insights to this forum, and I miss having him around.

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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by Allisinchainz »

Hey B.W. Melvin...I have read your book and it was terrifying and gripping..thank you for putting it out there. I am a new Christian I got baptized in September 2023..but I have been struggling with my faith for some time and was hoping for some insight.
You mentioned in your book that sin is anything that makes life ugly. Could you please elaborate a bit more on that?
Also I have been analyzing my self since I got baptized and the spiritual warfare is real. I am scared that I am not really saved based on these reasons:
I feel myself not wanting to change in certain ways
I find myself going back to old habits that I enjoy
I feel burdened or pressured into following the teachings and commandments of God.
When I do carry them out ( well try too) i feel it coming from a place of fear in punishment and not a love or fear for God.
An Elder at my church has tried to re assure me that I am young in the faith and when I feel burdened or made about not wanting to do what I want to do it's similar to having candy taken away from a kid..and he tells me the Devil is accusing me which is causing me to doubt. Some insight from a seasoned Christian who has seen Jesus I hope you can provide me with some peace. Am I saved? Or am I still a child of the devil...I will say that there has been some change in my lofe that comes from a genuine place but overall I just feel my heart is hardened..I have always been naturally rebellious to authority..
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by Philip »

Allisinchainz wrote: Fri Feb 09, 2024 4:25 pm Hey B.W. Melvin...I have read your book and it was terrifying and gripping..thank you for putting it out there. I am a new Christian I got baptized in September 2023..but I have been struggling with my faith for some time and was hoping for some insight.
Hello, Allisinchainz! And welcome to the forum. As noted above, B.W. hasn't been active on this forum in quite some time. But I will try to answer some of your questions.
Allisinchainz: I am a new Christian I got baptized in September 2023
Well, in case you don't know, BAPTISM never saved ANYONE! And yet, most that come to salvation are baptized per what Scripture teaches we should do. But baptism is merely a public declaration that one considers themself a committed believer in Jesus Christ as God, and in His physical resurrection from the dead, who has asked Him for forgiveness of their sins and desire His salvation. So, this is NOT mere belief alone, but means that one has submitted themselves to Jesus in a desire that He be their Lord, and that you are turning from your life of sin and making your own rules, in a desire to make Jesus your NEW boss and Lord. This is a heart and mind change toward God / Jesus and a desire to follow Him forever!

Are you saved – only you can answer whether you have done the following, in RECEIVING Jesus forgiveness and committing yourself as above, per Romans 10: “8 But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” (that is, the word of faith that we proclaim); 9 because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.” So, ALLisinchainz, IF you have sincerely done the above, you ARE saved! And while you may feel guilty – well, your FEELINGS are not always an accurate measure of spiritual truth before God. Your elder may well be correct, that Satan wants to continuously make you feel doubt – which is why he is known as “The Acccuser” – as he wants to sow doubt and fear. So, it’s not what you FEEL that is important – or that is necessarily ACCURATE - but only a matter of whether you have DONE, in your heart and mind before the Lord, as I’ve noted. The only question is, HAVE YOU? And if you have, reassure yourself by making sure before the Lord – again, not with some “magic words,” but through sincere words to the Lord in heart, mind and submission to Jesus. And if you have, you ARE saved. Next, pray to God for Him to remove your feelings of guilt, fear and shame, along with the possibility that you are under attack. Talk to God about your struggles – ASK for His help! If you haven’t done such things – yes, you will feel condemned and unable to overcome things you know are wrong. Only you can answer what you have truly done before the Lord.

Now, the Bible also teaches that, ONCE WE HAVE BEEN SAVED, God forgives us of ALL of our past, present and future sins, and does not hold us guilty before Him for them. So, POSITIONALLY speaking, in God's eyes, every Christian has become forgiven of ALL of the sins at the moment of faith and salvation. And yet, while we are forgiven, we will nonetheless still sin and struggle against doing so. And the degree to which we depend upon God's help in overcoming our sins will drive our success of doing so. But even though Christians still sin, we now have God's Spirit teaching and guiding our hearts, minds and consciences, so that we will have a different attitude toward and awareness of our sins, sensing when we have violated God's desires for how we conduct ourselves, in heart, mind and actions. So, what IS sin? "Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness; sin is lawlessness." So, sin is disobeying God's desires for our conduct - again, per God's sensibilities and standards, in our hearts, minds and deeds. As we are mortal, we will continue to sin, and to struggle against doing so - which shows we are aware of and desire not to sin - even though certain sins may be repeated and very difficult to overcome, we will nonetheless feel guilt and a desire to overcome them.

In the following passage of 1 John, we see BOTH - that Christians still can and DO sin, and yet that God also lovingly forgives us: "7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from ALL sin. 8 If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us." (1 John 1:7-10) And, in Romans 7, the Apostle Paul personally illustrates the struggle of our sinful selves in human flesh vs. the inner Spirit of those saved - and these two "natures" will always be at war while we are still in this world: "21 So I find it to be a law that when I want to do right, evil lies close at hand. 22 For I delight in the law of God, in my inner being, 23 but I see in my members another law waging war against the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin that dwells in my members. 24 Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? 25 Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself serve the law of God with my mind, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin.”

Allisinchainz, I hope some of this might be of benefit - I will pray for you! Check back in and tell us how you are doing. Or ask more questions!

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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by Allisinchainz »

Thank you so much for the insight Phillip!
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Re: 109 reasons to believe G….

Post by GeorgeNar »

Can we truly rely on a list of reasons to believe in a higher power, or should our faith be grounded in personal experiences and introspection rather than external validation? Is it possible for a comprehensive list to encompass the complexity and diversity of individual beliefs and experiences?
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