Christian stumps atheist with logic and unanswerable question

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Christian stumps atheist with logic and unanswerable question

Post by Philip »


Do YOU have an answer to the unanswerable question?

What is the source of a human mind? Random, non-thinking, impersonal forces - or was it created by a DESIGNER? Watch the video, see what you think!

Next question: If you DON'T have a definitive answer to the question concerning our minds - WHY you think they should be TRUSTED?

Lastly, IF you don't know the answers, do you sincerely WANT to know the answers to these logical, universally pondered questions? I mean, aren't you at least pretty curious about such things? Are you only looking to SCIENCE for an answer it has been unable to - in fact, is INCAPABLE of producing? If so, WHY?
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Re: Christian stumps atheist with logic and unanswerable question

Post by margii »

The answer is very simple... chance does not exist, causality exists in every phenomenon.

On the other hand, the entire universe is in an order that surpasses intelligence and intellectual understanding, although we can try to intuit it.

Obviously there is a cosmic design, there is no other option: rationality dictates that if nothing is coincidental (chance has not been proven, I insist, it has only been demonstrated that every existing phenomenon, be it physical, chemical, biological, is caused) , and if there is cause and order, there cannot be coincidence.

The concept of impersonal forces is meaningless, because if there was no order behind these impersonal forces, they would contradict each other... And it does not happen, so there is an order that makes all the forces of nature act in an inexplicable way without contradiction between them.... There cannot be an order that organizes everything, without a unitary decision....

The existence of mind implies God, because it comes from supra matter, the mind is not a product of the Brain, although it is related to the brain and the body in order to express itself...

....but our mind itself does not explain much... we are partially aware of our internal reality or our internal worlds, and the objective world that surrounds us...

Everything that is expressed as our conscious is a result of a struggle of feelings that come deeper from our conscious in relation to the objective world...

Where do our desires and feelings, our intelligence and will come from? When we begin to deepen our minds, we will begin to understand who governs, rules, the Cosmos....
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