A story from me

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A story from me

Post by Nessa »

So a few years back I had a home intruder.

The irony is that I was (and still am) scared of someone breaking in to our house at night and this happened at 9am.

I was like still in my pjs and had just hung out the washing. Our old backyard is quite private so you can get away with doing stuff like that.
When I came back in I hadn't bothered to lock the door and was on the couch and suddenly heard someone trying doors down the other end of the house. My first thought was maybe it was my other half and they had forgot their key but for some reason I just stayed where I was.

They were walking closer trying doors that were nearer to me so it was then I went into the sunroom off the lounge. I'm not sure what I was thinking but I just sat there. Then I heard them try another door even nearer and then heard the lounge door open. Footsteps.

My whole body started to shake. The outside sunroom door was bolted and I didnt fancy my chances of rushing out the little window (and stil in pjs though there are some kiwis who wear their pj's to the supermarket :shock: bit of a shocker that)

I poked my head round the other door and saw this guy with a backpack on and a basesball cap.

I remember just staring intently at his feet. Watching their every move not knowing what this guys intention was.

We both just stood for a moment staring at each other.

Then, still shaking, I said "What are you doing?"

No reply.

I spoke up again.

"What are you doing?"

Then he said something like "Oh, I was trying to find kennedy road" Then he pointed vaguely in that direction..

Ooh sure you are... I mean it's perfectly sane to go into a 'empty' house and look for a street :econfused:

Then I suddenly found myself saying "You have to get out of here right now!!"

The guy didn't move.

And then I said it again but with a strange conviction that sounded like if he didn't go God might strike him dead on the spot.

Then he turned and he RAN

I feel like God used this to show me that I need to take authority over the enemy more.

The Enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy but if we resist the enemy he will flee.

The guy was eventually caught - he'd been robbing houses through out the neighbourhood

On a light hearted note.. heres a funny Kiwi music clip ...you have to watch it all to get the humour and how it relates to the post.
Love it when he eats the cake then comes back for the whole box :lol:

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Re: A story from me

Post by RickD »

Yikes Nessa! That was a close one!
I feel like God used this to show me that I need to take authority over the enemy more.
If that were me, I'd take it as God telling me to buy a gun! The people in the U.S. aren't quite as respectful as that guy was. Many of the intruders here are all cracked out.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”
-Edward R Murrow

St. Richard the Sarcastic--The Patron Saint of Irony
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Re: A story from me

Post by Nessa »

RickD wrote:Yikes Nessa! That was a close one!
I feel like God used this to show me that I need to take authority over the enemy more.
If that were me, I'd take it as God telling me to buy a gun! The people in the U.S. aren't quite as respectful as that guy was. Many of the intruders here are all cracked out.
if i had a gun, Id probably shoot myself ...no wait this is sounding like the suicidal thread :shock:

what I mean is that my aim would probably suck....either that or Id stumble around for it and pick up my blowdryer instead.....yep, good one, Nessa :P
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Re: A story from me

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Nessa wrote:
RickD wrote:Yikes Nessa! That was a close one!
I feel like God used this to show me that I need to take authority over the enemy more.
If that were me, I'd take it as God telling me to buy a gun! The people in the U.S. aren't quite as respectful as that guy was. Many of the intruders here are all cracked out.
if i had a gun, Id probably shoot myself ...no wait this is sounding like the suicidal thread :shock:

what I mean is that my aim would probably suck....either that or Id stumble around for it and pick up my blowdryer instead.....yep, good one, Nessa :P
You might,if you had never held a gun before but not if you did some target practice.You were very lucky you were'nt hurt or worse.Here in US alot of people have guns for self defense but Liberals in our government are trying to take that right away so that only the bad guys are armed and the good law abiding citezen is not.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: A story from me

Post by dand »

I am impressed
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Re: A story from me

Post by dand »

thanks for the story
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