The Foolishness of Many Non-believers

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Re: The Foolishness of Many Non-believers

Post by Kurieuo »

SkepticalSkeeter wrote:Now, in response to your questions:
Kurieuo wrote:Q: Is it "right" or "wrong" to kill off the weak and helpless? Emotions aside, why or why not?
Generally speaking I believe that it's wrong, although there are some situations where it would be morally acceptable to do so. For example, I have no issue with assisted suicide, provided that there's appropriate oversight to ensure that the patient's wishes are actually being honored.

As for why, I think that morality pretty much comes down to the Golden Rule. The weak and helpless deserve the same level of respect and personal autonomy as anyone else, and human life has value.
I had the "Golden Rule" conversation elsewhere.

Really, there is no logical basis for the "Golden Rule". The "Silver Rule" makes logical sense, but not the "Golden Rule".

Here is a ethical rule that makes sense: "Look after yourself first, and then anyone else thereafter as much as it profits you."

To logically base your morality as an Atheist upon the "Golden Rule", then you need to articulate in a logically justified manner why it matters. What makes it logical for you to follow. For it seems to me, the Golden Rule has no supporting basis for us follow unless one admits to it's immaterial reality.

To answer my own question in a manner I believe more coherent and deeper-thinking Atheists may respond.

Q: Is it "right" or "wrong" to kill off the weak and helpless? Emotions aside, why or why not?

A: Evolution is all about survival of the fittest. Those unable to adapt must and do die out, leaving the strong behind who will survive. Killing off the weak and helpless is simply natural selection at it's best/worst (whatever your outlook might be about such).

There is nothing inherently wrong will killing a human life which is unable to support itself. If anything, such weakness is a burden and inconvenience to the strong. Such inferior humans may hinder or dilute the strong. Perhaps, the superior stronger humans may find use of weaker ones via domination and enslavery, but where there is no such benefit to be had then they may as well be good as dead.
SkepticalSkeeter wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:Q: Is it "right" or "wrong" for man to rape women? Emotions aside, why or why not?

Again, Golden Rule. Personal autonomy. Our bodies are our own.
Again, what magical strings support this "Golden Rule" of yours?

If I'm a social outcast, ugly or what-have-you, then the only way to propagate my genes may be through raping.

There are many instances of what appears to be "rape" in the animal kingdom. Despite whatever distaste one might have, it is in fact quite natural act. Even say, male hyenas who unable to mate with a female, then deciding to mount one of its cubs to get its rocks off. All this is very natural. It is only some unnatural morality humans have than make it all seem "wrong". Have a read over: ... viour#Rape

Now take the book, A Natural History of Rape: Biological Bases of Sexual Coercion written by evolutionary scientists Randy Thornhill and Craig T. Palmer. They claim that rape is "a natural, biological phenomenon that is a product of the human evolutionary heritage," just like "the leopard's spots and the giraffe's elongated neck." Rape is a biological "adaptation" that allows undesirable males the opportunity to pass on their genes. According to Thornhill, "Every feature of every living thing, including human beings, has an underlying evolutionary background. That's not a debatable matter."

They are not alone in their thoughts. Edward Hagen writing for The Center for Evolutionary Psychology, University of California, Santa Barbara (now at the Institute of Theoretical Biology, Berlin) says:
  • "A better question is whether or not a rape adaptation in humans is conceivable. Here, I think the answer is clearly yes. That rape might be an adaptation is a reasonable hypothesis to pursue, and the proper framework is intersexual conflict. Nature is rife with violent conflict--conflict between members of different species (such as predators and prey), conflict between members of the same species (such as males competing for females), and conflict between males and females (such as the killing of offspring by unrelated males during harem takeovers). Further, many organisms clearly possess adaptations to successfully engage in violent strategies (e.g., fangs and claws). There is no principled reason why animal nervous systems could not be specialized for coercive mating, including rape.
If we overturn this "moral conscience" that evolved in humans, for there is no reason we ought to keep it for ourselves once we realise it simply evolved, then we can just let the natural way of things take place. The strong survive and take what they please, and the weak either adapt or die out.
SkepticalSkeeter wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:Q: Is it "right" or "wrong" to kill off infants? Emotions aside, why or why not?

Golden Rule. Personal autonomy. All human life has value.
And so, since you believe "All human life has value"...

I take it that you have similar beliefs then to those at: regarding human life in the womb? That abortion at any stage where there is human life is wrong?

Or are you here inconsistent, and think it is alright for the convenience of the stronger to off the weak and helpless?

Furthermore, please logically explain what gives human life "value"? Many deeper Atheistic thinkers would logically disagree with you here. They'd argue that value only comes through function, or what society largely determines to be the case.
SkepticalSkeeter wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:Finally, do you believe we are free to make choices and act them out, or is "who we are" purely determined by our physiological make-up?
It's not an either/or issue. We have free will and can make our own choices, but only within the broader context of our social and economic circumstances, physical and mental health, intelligence, education, life experience, and awareness of our options.
Dawkins foolishly responded off the cuff in an exchange that he had with Quinn to affirm "free will" as you appear to here.

But, how is it that "we have free will and can make our own choices" in any sense if "we" are merely reduced to the physical? If we are merely atoms colliding together and bouncing around. Our choices are determined by their arrangement and environmental conditions. Now perhaps our consciousness arose out of this, but to think we are actually "free" and "in control" is in fact illusory.

To understand this point more fully, I encourage you to listen to that exchange between Dawkins and Quinn that I posted earlier (it's only 18 minutes):


Now, if it is true that our actions are determined by our biology and environment, then "morality" is a mute issue. It makes no sense to say that my "stealing" is wrong. For I had no control over my actions. Right and wrong, fairness, justice and all that just get thrown out the window. The murderer is as much as victim as his victim.
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Re: The Foolishness of Many Non-believers

Post by Thadeyus »

Kurieuo wrote:To answer my own question in a manner I believe more coherent and deeper-thinking Atheists may respond.

Q: Is it "right" or "wrong" to kill off the weak and helpless? Emotions aside, why or why not?

A: Evolution is all about survival of the fittest. Those unable to adapt must and do die out, leaving the strong behind who will survive. Killing off the weak and helpless is simply natural selection at it's best/worst (whatever your outlook might be about such).
Except...evolution is not just about 'Survival of the fittest'. There are a whole load of other caveats and such that go into the theory.
Kurieuo wrote:And so, since you believe "All human life has value"...

I take it that you have similar beliefs then to those at: regarding human life in the womb? That abortion at any stage where there is human life is wrong?
The one thing within your above comment is that you have to determine 'Human life'. Myself, as the conglomerate whole of the myriad cells within that which makes up my body would qualify as 'Human life'. Were I to develop cancer...then those cells are no longer deemed to be human life. Even though they are still human cells and alive. the tiny clump of barely differentiated cells within a woman (The blastocyst) 'human life'? Or are they more akin to the cancer cells?

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Re: The Foolishness of Many Non-believers

Post by Kurieuo »

Thadeyus wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:And so, since you believe "All human life has value"...

I take it that you have similar beliefs then to those at: regarding human life in the womb? That abortion at any stage where there is human life is wrong?
The one thing within your above comment is that you have to determine 'Human life'. Myself, as the conglomerate whole of the myriad cells within that which makes up my body would qualify as 'Human life'. Were I to develop cancer...then those cells are no longer deemed to be human life. Even though they are still human cells and alive. the tiny clump of barely differentiated cells within a woman (The blastocyst) 'human life'? Or are they more akin to the cancer cells?
You're wrong Thad if you think "human life" after conception is not a human life.

At conception all human chromosomes are in place. You have a very complex cell that contains all the information that makes up your physical attributes, is human, and will grow and develop as a human.

Your conception is when your human life came into existence. Such is no more a clump of cells than any child or adult human being. You biologically have human life after conception. Simple as that.

Now you might say that such "human life" doesn't matter, it isn't conscious or what-have-you, but the one thing you can't biologically say is you don't have a growing human individual.

There are many on your side of the fence who do not believe in God, and yet they believe all human life has inherent value. And this is why they strongly believe killing human life in the womb is wrong. Just because it's easier to hide, is legalised or what-have-you, or society has classified them as unimportant, doesn't mean one is not stopping and thereby killing a human life in the womb.

And on the opposing end, this is also why some on your side of the fence argue that human life does not have inherent value. For example, Peter Singer. They'll argue that value is something society at large decides upon...

If this is all new to you, then I'm not making this up.

I highly recommend you take a read of Peter Singer and his philosophy which is actually gaining widespread acceptance in academia. Peter sees nothing inherently wrong with the taking of human life in the womb, or of infants or whatever society by-and-large determines to be ok.

Consider what also gets argued in professional journals. For example, two Australian ethical philosophers who reasoned that there is no logical reason why parents should not be able to kill their baby after birth, if allowed prior to birth. Take a read: ... t-persons/

Welcome to the world of the New Atheist. Praise that God be dead, eh?
Last edited by Kurieuo on Tue Jan 07, 2014 8:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Foolishness of Many Non-believers

Post by Kurieuo »

Thadeyus wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:To answer my own question in a manner I believe more coherent and deeper-thinking Atheists may respond.

Q: Is it "right" or "wrong" to kill off the weak and helpless? Emotions aside, why or why not?

A: Evolution is all about survival of the fittest. Those unable to adapt must and do die out, leaving the strong behind who will survive. Killing off the weak and helpless is simply natural selection at it's best/worst (whatever your outlook might be about such).
Except...evolution is not just about 'Survival of the fittest'. There are a whole load of other caveats and such that go into the theory.
And then...?
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Re: The Foolishness of Many Non-believers

Post by Thadeyus »

Kurieuo wrote:And then...?
I'm sorry..."And then?"...what?

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Re: The Foolishness of Many Non-believers

Post by Kurieuo »

Thadeyus wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:And then...?
I'm sorry..."And then?"...what?

Much cheers to all.
Ok, nevermind. I just thought you might have something more to add, like the other caveats and their implications thereof.
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Re: The Foolishness of Many Non-believers

Post by Thadeyus »

Kurieuo wrote:Ok, never-mind. I just thought you might have something more to add, like the other caveats and their implications thereof. could always go and review the very helpful thread started about the boards, set up quite helpfully by another board member for information about just such said caveats and implications.

Which is diverting from the conversation of you posting a silly/incorrect comment. Me pointing out that it's silly/incorrect. Thence you asking me why it's silly/incorrect when you would appear to already know why it is silly/incorrect......

I also missed your previous post. Strange..... y:-?

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Re: The Foolishness of Many Non-believers

Post by Thadeyus »

Catching up on the comment that I dind't see.
Kurieuo wrote:You're wrong Thad if you think "human life" after conception is not a human life.
But...I have not said this.
Kurieuo wrote:At conception all human chromosomes are in place. You have a very complex cell that contains all the information that makes up your physical attributes, is human, and will grow and develop as a human.
Wich still does not change my comment that at estrangement...A cancer is cell ALSO a very complex cell that contains all t ... will grow.....
Kurieuo wrote:Your conception is when your human life came into existence. Such is no more a clump of cells than any child or adult human being. You biologically have human life after conception. Simple as that. have a clump of cells after conception. They are only 'alive' in so much as any INDIVIDUAL cell (Or cancer cell) is/are alive.
Kurieuo wrote:Now you might say that such "human life" doesn't matter...
Well....I actually don't....
Kurieuo wrote:....Isn't conscious or what-have-you, but the one thing you can't biologically say is you don't have a growing human individual.
But I can say that they are not a human individual...because 'they'
are an 'it' of a clump of cells....
Kurieuo wrote:There are many on your side of the fence who do not believe in God, and yet they believe all human life has inherent value.
Strangely, I've already pointed out that I too find value in human life....
Kurieuo wrote:And this is why they strongly believe killing human life in the womb is wrong. Just because it's easier to hide, is legalised or what-have-you, or society has classified them as unimportant, doesn't mean one is not stopping and thereby killing a human life in the womb.
Again, never said unimportant...those are your words.
Kurieuo wrote:And on the opposing end, this is also why some on your side of the fence argue that human life does not have inherent value. For example, Peter Singer. They'll argue that value is something society at large decides upon...
Actually...from the brief quality of 'Youtube' clips I've seen of Dr's not ;lack' of quality of human life...but an over development of 'gradient' in all the qualities of what it actually means to be human.
Kurieuo wrote:If this is all new to you, then I'm not making this up.
It's not what you're not making up...It's what you're embellishing, misrepresenting and misquoting that's new.
Kurieuo wrote:I highly recommend you take a read of Peter Singer and his philosophy which is actually gaining widespread acceptance in academia. Peter sees nothing inherently wrong with the taking of human life in the womb, or of infants or whatever society by-and-large determines to be ok.
Again, we're getting into the differences in definition of what is 'Human' and what is not 'Human', I do believe....
Kurieuo wrote:Consider what also gets argued in professional journals. For example, two Australian ethical philosophers who reasoned that there is no logical reason why parents should not be able to kill their baby after birth, if allowed prior to birth. Take a read: ... t-persons/
Congrats to a couple of philosophers. I'm sure they are having a wonderful time. Our society is more complicated than such (This is a quick reply with out me having had time to read said link. This will happen later)
Kurieuo wrote:Welcome to the world of the New Atheist. Praise that God be dead, eh?
Okay...since I've been living in a secular country that's been secular for about 200 odd years and your comment has not come to pass yet....? I'll take it with a grain, at least, of salt.

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Re: The Foolishness of Many Non-believers

Post by Kurieuo »

I simply believe you are mistaken in your knowledge on the issues.

Perhaps this link --!abortion/cimp -- will help you gather your thoughts.

It won't do to simply reject what I present with your opinion.

Want to discuss further, then happy to discuss your disagreements in a new thread rather than have this one derailed again.
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Re: The Foolishness of Many Non-believers

Post by Thadeyus »

Kurieuo wrote:I simply believe you are mistaken in your knowledge on the issues.

Perhaps this link --!abortion/cimp -- will help you gather your thoughts.

It won't do to simply reject what I present with your opinion.

Want to discuss further, then happy to discuss your disagreements in a new thread rather than have this one derailed again. the paper article and..frankly...was not impressed.

Sure, if you're happy with a new thread, no worries.

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Re: The Foolishness of Many Non-believers

Post by Rubberneck »

If you break an egg open to make an omelet, and you find a little red spec in the egg, meaning the egg was fertilized, do you change the menu to chicken?
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Re: The Foolishness of Many Non-believers

Post by Kurieuo »

Rubberneck wrote:If you break an egg open to make an omelet, and you find a little red spec in the egg, meaning the egg was fertilized, do you change the menu to chicken?
The issue raised was "all human life".

And I'm sorry if the science of the matter offends some (perhaps you guys have coerced an abortion in a girlfriend or something?), but human life actually begins at conception.

Whether or not "human life" is in and of itself is important, is completely another question. Is a human life that is "just a speck", or in "really, really early stages of human development" important enough to remove all value? You have to start defining some humans as worthless, rather than all human life as valuable.

But the one thing you don't get to say, biologically or scientifically, is that something like a fish has been conceived until birth when the baby magically becomes human. Shed all your opinion in the world, this doesn't change when an abortion happens that it kills a human life.

Moderators, If you don't mind, I'd appreciate if some of these "human life" / "abortion" discussion posts were moved/copied into another thread. Entitled "Unborn Human Life" or some such.

SS, I've responded back to you re: your own responses to my earlier questions which is effectively being buried once again.
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Re: The Foolishness of Many Non-believers

Post by Thadeyus »

Kurieuo wrote: ...(perhaps you guys have coerced an abortion in a girlfriend or something?)...
Um..where did this comment come from?
Kurieuo wrote:...But human life actually begins at conception... is being pointed out before...while the cells are indeed multiplying etc...and alive...what is and is not human is being talked about. (As in the difference between a blastocyte and ca cancer cell)
Kurieuo wrote:Whether or not "human life" is in and of itself is important, is completely another question. Is a human life that is "just a speck", or in "really, really early stages of human development" important enough to remove all value? You have to start defining some humans as worthless, rather than all human life as valuable., you don't really have to do such a thing. I believe you're defining things how you wish them to be.
Kurieuo wrote:But the one thing you don't get to say, biologically or scientifically, is that something like a fish has been conceived until birth when the baby magically becomes human. Shed all your opinion in the world, this doesn't change when an abortion happens that it kills a human life.
It stops the potential for human life. Is how I shall be referring my definitions to.

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Re: The Foolishness of Many Non-believers

Post by Kurieuo »

Thad, stop sleeping and wake up eh?

It seems you're defining "human life" for how you prefer the case to be devoid of physical reality.

You back your opinion up only with your opinion. And you are deeply misinformed about and misunderstand what is/is not "human life".
Faye Wattleton, “Speaking Frankly,” Ms. Magazine, May / June 1997, Volume VII, Number 6, 67. wrote:I think we have deluded ourselves into believing that people don't know that abortion is killing. So any pretense that abortion is not killing is a signal of our ambivalence, a signal that we cannot say yes, it kills a fetus.
Ann Furedi, “Abortion: A Civilised Debate,” Battle of Ideas, (London, England, November 1, 2008). wrote:We can accept that the embryo is a living thing in the fact that it has a beating heart, that it has its own genetic system within it. It’s clearly human in the sense that it’s not a gerbil, and we can recognize that it is human lifethe point is not when does human life begin, but when does it really begin to matter?
Naomi Wolf, “Our Bodies, Our Souls,” The New Republic, October 16, 1995, 26. wrote:Clinging to a rhetoric about abortion in which there is no life and no death, we entangle our beliefs in a series of self-delusions, fibs and evasions. And we risk becoming precisely what our critics charge us with being: callous, selfish and casually destructive men and women who share a cheapened view of human life...we need to contextualize the fight to defend abortion rights within a moral framework that admits that the death of a fetus is a real death.
David Boonin, A Defense of Abortion (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003), xiv. wrote:In the top drawer of my desk, I keep [a picture of my son]. This picture was taken on September 7, 1993, 24 weeks before he was born. The sonogram image is murky, but it reveals clear enough a small head tilted back slightly, and an arm raised up and bent, with the hand pointing back toward the face and the thumb extended out toward the mouth. There is no doubt in my mind that this picture, too, shows [my son] at a very early stage in his physical development. And there is no question that the position I defend in this book entails that it would have been morally permissible to end his life at this point.
Peter Singer, Practical Ethics, 2nd ed. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993, 2008), 85-86. wrote:It is possible to give ‘human being’ a precise meaning. We can use it as equivalent to ‘member of the species Homo sapiens’. Whether a being is a member of a given species is something that can be determined scientifically, by an examination of the nature of the chromosomes in the cells of living organisms. In this sense there is no doubt that from the first moments of its existence an embryo conceived from human sperm and eggs is a human being.
Bernard N. Nathanson, M.D., “Deeper into Abortion,” New England Journal of Medicine, November 28, 1974, Vol. 291, No. 22: 1189-1190. wrote:There is simply no doubt that even the early embryo is a human being. All its genetic coding and all its features are indisputably human. As to being, there is no doubt that it exists, is alive, is self-directed, and is not the the same being as the mother–and is therefore a unified whole.
Pull your head out of the sand Thad. You don't know what you're talking about.

And these people above, as you might have realised, are not only more educated on the issue than you, but they know they're supporting the termination of human life.

The question is not whether we're talking about "human life" as you might think, but rather as Ann Furedi notes: "the point is not when does human life begin, but when does it really begin to matter?"

Seriously, it just amazes me how people comment without really knowing what they're talking about sometimes! Utter foolish talk. And if you're offended by that grow some skin and learn. Pfft. y=;

So now, back to SS.
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Re: The Foolishness of Many Non-believers

Post by Thadeyus »

Kurieuo wrote:Pull your head out of the sand Thad. You don't know what you're talking about.
I am quite happy to acknowledge that I do not know what I am talking about....
Kurieuo wrote:And these people above, as you might have realized, are not only more educated on the issue than you, but they know they're supporting the termination of human life.
I should hope there are a great many people with far more knowledge about many things than myself.
Kurieuo wrote:The question is not whether we're talking about "human life" as you might think, but rather as Ann Furedi notes: "the point is not when does human life begin, but when does it really begin to matter?"
And a valid point that is.
Kurieuo wrote:Seriously, it just amazes me how people comment without really knowing what they're talking about sometimes!
While I freely admit that my education is no where near that of the luminaries whom you've provided link to...That my opinion does not matter? *Shrug* does that allow me to then say that your opinions on the matter also do not matter?
Kurieuo wrote:Utter foolish talk. And if you're offended by that grow some skin and learn.
I am not the one who's been throwing assertions left, right and center....

Just simply asking questions and putting forward ideas/comment.

Much cheers to all.
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